
Thank you for visiting the Tirlebrook Primary School website.

Learning is at the heart of everything we do. At Tirlebrook, to ensure that learning thrives, we encourage the children to exploreenjoy and excel in every aspect of their schooling together. It is our aim to develop resilient, independent, confident and happy learners. We pride ourselves in being friendly, inclusive and welcoming.

Tirlebrook is a place where:

  •  the acquiring and modifying of skills, knowledge, behaviour and values is successfully supported
  •  the joy of learning is readily experienced
  •  opportunities for children to be curious are widely provided 
  •  imaginations are stimulated
  •  commitment, achievement and excellence are celebrated
  •  perseverance, determination and self-belief are inspired
  •  integrity, fairness and honesty are highly valued 
  •  working together as a team is the norm 

This is all achieved in an environment where children are expected to be readyrespectful and responsible.

Our core values are also at the heart of everything we do. Additionally, Tirlebrook is a place where:

  • creativity and enrichment are promoted
  • worthwhile interactions and relationships with each other, our wider school family and the community beyond are established
  • connecting with our environment is encouraged
  • positive attitude is harnessed as skills and talents are cultivated  

This is what makes our school special to us.  

We hope that the information contained in our website will give you an idea of what life is like at our school. If you would like any further information or would like to arrange a visit to our school, our contact details can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Latest Events

Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Year 6 Visit to Shrewsbury Prison
11/10/2023 11:39 AM

Elder Class experienced what it would have been like to be a prisoner during the Victorian times, amongst other things, when they visited Shrewsbury Prison as part of their 'Crime and Punishment' curriculum learning on Wednesday 11th October. Despite the dreary weather, the children's enthusiasm was heightened as they took part in a variety of different activities, including: a guided tour of the prison, a question and answer session focused on Victorian times and (what was seemingly the most exciting activity) a prisoner experience! As part of the prisoner experience, the children enjoyed being held in the stocks and locked in a prison cell! The children were impeccably behaved and represented Tirlebrook superbly, while learning a huge amount to enhance their learning, all while having a great time!

Cross Country - Race 2 (5.10.23)
5/10/2023 5:27 PM

Tirlebrook’s Cross Country Team headed to the Vineyards for Race 2 of the autumn series of races full of enthusiasm!

Our team of 37 children were looking to build on the previous week’s very successful opening race with every single member of the team giving it their best shot!

In what was another superbly contested run. our boys pushed and challenged themselves as they tackled the Vineyards course and spectacularly, our Tirlebrook boys took the top 3 spots with Henry S just outsprinting George M right at the end in what is sure to be a repeatedly close battle throughout the season. Sami B came home third to make it a 1, 2, 3 finish to Tirlebrook for the second week in a row! Across the team there were some fantastic performances, most notably from Oliver F who improved 13 places to finish in 26th and Theo P who finished 25 places better in 30th. Other big improvements came from Luca A (+11), Louie B (+22), Tommy B (+27), Leo G (+25) and Bailey V (+11). Everyone raced superbly and should be very proud of their efforts and achievement!

The girls’ race was another fantastic race to watch with a terrific effort made by our Tirlebrook girls! Emilia G was the first Tirlebrook girl home, improving her placing by 12 places from the previous week's race. Lily Z made the biggest improvement in finishing position for the girls, coming home 26 places better off!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Emilia G (15th)

2nd - Molly-Anne C (36th)

3rd - Matilda K (37th)

Well done to all of our Tirlebrook runners - you represented Tirlebrook brilliantly and we’re really proud of you all!

Cross Country - Race 1 (28.9.23)
28/09/2023 2:31 PM

On Thursday 28th September, an incredibly positive and enthusiastic group of Tirlebrook children from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 gathered at the Vineyards to take part in the first Tewkesbury Cross Country event of the season! Many of our children are seasoned professionals, having taken part in Cross Country previously, however for some, it was their first time participating in this very popular Tewkesbury event. Any nervous butterflies and anxieties soon melted away as the races got underway and the children all challenged themselves to do the absolute best they could. Throughout the races, it was fantastic to see all children enjoy the experience, with huge amounts of resilience on display, and we'd like to congratulate all children for their efforts as they persevered to complete their race. Special recognition must be paid to Kelly W and Arthur C from Year 6 who showed huge amounts of team spirit as they valiantly supported other children around the course and encouraged them to keep going so that they finished with a smile on their faces! With over 100 children taking part in the boys' and girls' races, competition for the top places was fierce and, in a truly astounding turn of events, our Tirlebrook boys stole the show by securing the top 3 places in their race! Not only did Henry S, George M and Sami B finish as the first, second and third Tirlebrook boys, they also finished as first, second and third in Race 1 of the Tewkesbury Cross Country Schools event! Incredible!


Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)


Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (12th)

2nd - Matilda K (19th)

3rd - Molly-Anne C (23rd)


Well done everyone! What a fantastic start to the Cross Country season!

Year 2 Tewkesbury Walk About (27.9.23)
27/09/2023 12:08 PM

Our Year 2 Willow Class had a fantastic time exploring the sights of Tewkesbury as they took to the streets and alleys to discover what historical secrets lay within our town. The children's first stop on their tour of Tewkesbury was The Roses Theatre where they talked about and shared stories of the times they had visited to watch plays and films there. Some of the children even told the class about their experiences of performing on the stage at The Roses themselves. Following the class' first local landmark visit, they walked a little further down the High Street and discovered the terrific Tudor architecture that Tewkesbury boasts. At this landmark, the children made observtaional sketches of the places and buildings they saw. The class then headed towards Healings Mill and were treated to a short talk from Miss Walker who shared information about the history of the flour mill. After admiring the mill, the class crossed the River Avon and walked along the river path by The Ham. The Year 2 children spotted lots of brightly coloured boats moored along the river bank and even caught sight of a heron hiding in the bushes. After that, the children of Willow Class made their way to Tewkesbury Abbey and began their exploration of this magnificent building. The children enjoyed looking up at the ceiling architecture and studying the stained glass windows. As they looked around the Abbey, they were able to identify lots of exciting objects, including: candles, the font, gravestones, tombs and the golden eagle lectern. After a brief break, the class walked back to school, passing the War Memorial cross on their way. Willow Class behaved impeccably and walked around the town with great appreciation and respect. The children's tour of Tewkesbury with a focus on the physical and human geographical features of the town will help bring to life learning that happens in the classroom.  

Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential Visit (10.7.23 - 14.7.23)
14/07/2023 11:17 AM
Children in Year 6 had a wonderful time last week when they journeyed to the sunny Isle of Wight for their final Tirlebrook Primary School residential! After a quick stop at Avebury Henge, the children caught the ferry from Southampton to East Cowes and embarked on a jam-packed, week-long island adventure!
Across the week, children enjoyed fossil hunting at Shanklin, trekking across Tennyson Down, observing The Needles from Alum Bay (descending to the beach on the famous coastal chairlift) and exploring the treasures of Dinosaur Isle in Sandown. Visits to Queen Victoria’s private residence on the Island - Osborne House – and Carisbrooke Castle gave children the chance to appreciate the varied history of the Isle too. And if that wasn’t enough to fill the week, children also had great fun at Tapnell Farm Park feeding wallabies, challenging each other on the go-karts and at crazy golf, taking a splash at the mighty Isle of Wight Aquapark and cooling off in the sea or enjoying beach games each evening! A highlight of the week was visiting the RNLI at Bembridge, which the school has a long-standing relationship with and, following a tour, our children were proud to present the volunteers with a cheque for £150.
As you can see, the children made the most of every moment. Each and every Year 6 represented the school superbly and were ready, respectful and responsible at all times. It was fantastic to hear so many positive comments about the children from islanders and other tourists as they criss-crossed the island and travelled from coast to coast! We’re very proud of you all! Well done! What a fantastic week and what a fantastic way to end your time at primary school!
Year 6 Leavers' Performance (7.7.23)
7/07/2023 11:19 AM
Last Friday, our Year 6 children were utterly FANTASTIC in their leavers production of ‘Pantastic’!
Supported by children in Year 5 with singing and stage setting, the Year 6s performed their hearts out to packed audiences of family members and acted out the treasured tale of Peter Pan.
As the children stepped into their roles, they oozed confidence and charm, captivating their audience from start to finish with this classic tale. All children demonstrated creativity in abundance through their interpretation of the much-loved characters and contributed a huge amount to the final performance – no role was too small and everyone commanded the limelight throughout the show. Without a doubt, the incredible acting, emotive and lively singing and subtle humour brought the house down!
Congratulations to all our Year 6 children for their unforgettable performance and thank you to our Year 5s for their contribution to the show.
Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Tirlebrook Newsletters
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.7 (2023-2024)27/10/2023, 3:36 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.6 (2023-2024)20/10/2023, 8:24 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.5 (2023-2024)13/10/2023, 11:33 AM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.4 (2023-2024)06/10/2023, 10:29 AM
Coming Up

"Tirlebrook is a very friendly school; our child is very happy here."     "Enthusiastic, committed staff inspire the children."     "The school is very inclusive."     "Tirlebrook is safe place for my child to learn."     "The staff are helpful and friendly with very positive attitudes."


Thank you for visiting the Tirlebrook Primary School website.

Learning is at the heart of everything we do. At Tirlebrook, to ensure that learning thrives, we encourage the children to exploreenjoy and excel in every aspect of their schooling together. It is our aim to develop resilient, independent, confident and happy learners. We pride ourselves in being friendly, inclusive and welcoming.

Tirlebrook is a place where:

  •  the acquiring and modifying of skills, knowledge, behaviour and values is successfully supported
  •  the joy of learning is readily experienced
  •  opportunities for children to be curious are widely provided 
  •  imaginations are stimulated
  •  commitment, achievement and excellence are celebrated
  •  perseverance, determination and self-belief are inspired
  •  integrity, fairness and honesty are highly valued 
  •  working together as a team is the norm 

This is all achieved in an environment where children are expected to be readyrespectful and responsible.

Our core values are also at the heart of everything we do. Additionally, Tirlebrook is a place where:

  • creativity and enrichment are promoted
  • worthwhile interactions and relationships with each other, our wider school family and the community beyond are established
  • connecting with our environment is encouraged
  • positive attitude is harnessed as skills and talents are cultivated  

This is what makes our school special to us.  

We hope that the information contained in our website will give you an idea of what life is like at our school. If you would like any further information or would like to arrange a visit to our school, our contact details can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Latest Events

Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Year 6 Visit to Shrewsbury Prison
11/10/2023 11:39 AM

Elder Class experienced what it would have been like to be a prisoner during the Victorian times, amongst other things, when they visited Shrewsbury Prison as part of their 'Crime and Punishment' curriculum learning on Wednesday 11th October. Despite the dreary weather, the children's enthusiasm was heightened as they took part in a variety of different activities, including: a guided tour of the prison, a question and answer session focused on Victorian times and (what was seemingly the most exciting activity) a prisoner experience! As part of the prisoner experience, the children enjoyed being held in the stocks and locked in a prison cell! The children were impeccably behaved and represented Tirlebrook superbly, while learning a huge amount to enhance their learning, all while having a great time!

Cross Country - Race 2 (5.10.23)
5/10/2023 5:27 PM

Tirlebrook’s Cross Country Team headed to the Vineyards for Race 2 of the autumn series of races full of enthusiasm!

Our team of 37 children were looking to build on the previous week’s very successful opening race with every single member of the team giving it their best shot!

In what was another superbly contested run. our boys pushed and challenged themselves as they tackled the Vineyards course and spectacularly, our Tirlebrook boys took the top 3 spots with Henry S just outsprinting George M right at the end in what is sure to be a repeatedly close battle throughout the season. Sami B came home third to make it a 1, 2, 3 finish to Tirlebrook for the second week in a row! Across the team there were some fantastic performances, most notably from Oliver F who improved 13 places to finish in 26th and Theo P who finished 25 places better in 30th. Other big improvements came from Luca A (+11), Louie B (+22), Tommy B (+27), Leo G (+25) and Bailey V (+11). Everyone raced superbly and should be very proud of their efforts and achievement!

The girls’ race was another fantastic race to watch with a terrific effort made by our Tirlebrook girls! Emilia G was the first Tirlebrook girl home, improving her placing by 12 places from the previous week's race. Lily Z made the biggest improvement in finishing position for the girls, coming home 26 places better off!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Emilia G (15th)

2nd - Molly-Anne C (36th)

3rd - Matilda K (37th)

Well done to all of our Tirlebrook runners - you represented Tirlebrook brilliantly and we’re really proud of you all!

Cross Country - Race 1 (28.9.23)
28/09/2023 2:31 PM

On Thursday 28th September, an incredibly positive and enthusiastic group of Tirlebrook children from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 gathered at the Vineyards to take part in the first Tewkesbury Cross Country event of the season! Many of our children are seasoned professionals, having taken part in Cross Country previously, however for some, it was their first time participating in this very popular Tewkesbury event. Any nervous butterflies and anxieties soon melted away as the races got underway and the children all challenged themselves to do the absolute best they could. Throughout the races, it was fantastic to see all children enjoy the experience, with huge amounts of resilience on display, and we'd like to congratulate all children for their efforts as they persevered to complete their race. Special recognition must be paid to Kelly W and Arthur C from Year 6 who showed huge amounts of team spirit as they valiantly supported other children around the course and encouraged them to keep going so that they finished with a smile on their faces! With over 100 children taking part in the boys' and girls' races, competition for the top places was fierce and, in a truly astounding turn of events, our Tirlebrook boys stole the show by securing the top 3 places in their race! Not only did Henry S, George M and Sami B finish as the first, second and third Tirlebrook boys, they also finished as first, second and third in Race 1 of the Tewkesbury Cross Country Schools event! Incredible!


Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)


Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (12th)

2nd - Matilda K (19th)

3rd - Molly-Anne C (23rd)


Well done everyone! What a fantastic start to the Cross Country season!

Year 2 Tewkesbury Walk About (27.9.23)
27/09/2023 12:08 PM

Our Year 2 Willow Class had a fantastic time exploring the sights of Tewkesbury as they took to the streets and alleys to discover what historical secrets lay within our town. The children's first stop on their tour of Tewkesbury was The Roses Theatre where they talked about and shared stories of the times they had visited to watch plays and films there. Some of the children even told the class about their experiences of performing on the stage at The Roses themselves. Following the class' first local landmark visit, they walked a little further down the High Street and discovered the terrific Tudor architecture that Tewkesbury boasts. At this landmark, the children made observtaional sketches of the places and buildings they saw. The class then headed towards Healings Mill and were treated to a short talk from Miss Walker who shared information about the history of the flour mill. After admiring the mill, the class crossed the River Avon and walked along the river path by The Ham. The Year 2 children spotted lots of brightly coloured boats moored along the river bank and even caught sight of a heron hiding in the bushes. After that, the children of Willow Class made their way to Tewkesbury Abbey and began their exploration of this magnificent building. The children enjoyed looking up at the ceiling architecture and studying the stained glass windows. As they looked around the Abbey, they were able to identify lots of exciting objects, including: candles, the font, gravestones, tombs and the golden eagle lectern. After a brief break, the class walked back to school, passing the War Memorial cross on their way. Willow Class behaved impeccably and walked around the town with great appreciation and respect. The children's tour of Tewkesbury with a focus on the physical and human geographical features of the town will help bring to life learning that happens in the classroom.  

Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential Visit (10.7.23 - 14.7.23)
14/07/2023 11:17 AM
Children in Year 6 had a wonderful time last week when they journeyed to the sunny Isle of Wight for their final Tirlebrook Primary School residential! After a quick stop at Avebury Henge, the children caught the ferry from Southampton to East Cowes and embarked on a jam-packed, week-long island adventure!
Across the week, children enjoyed fossil hunting at Shanklin, trekking across Tennyson Down, observing The Needles from Alum Bay (descending to the beach on the famous coastal chairlift) and exploring the treasures of Dinosaur Isle in Sandown. Visits to Queen Victoria’s private residence on the Island - Osborne House – and Carisbrooke Castle gave children the chance to appreciate the varied history of the Isle too. And if that wasn’t enough to fill the week, children also had great fun at Tapnell Farm Park feeding wallabies, challenging each other on the go-karts and at crazy golf, taking a splash at the mighty Isle of Wight Aquapark and cooling off in the sea or enjoying beach games each evening! A highlight of the week was visiting the RNLI at Bembridge, which the school has a long-standing relationship with and, following a tour, our children were proud to present the volunteers with a cheque for £150.
As you can see, the children made the most of every moment. Each and every Year 6 represented the school superbly and were ready, respectful and responsible at all times. It was fantastic to hear so many positive comments about the children from islanders and other tourists as they criss-crossed the island and travelled from coast to coast! We’re very proud of you all! Well done! What a fantastic week and what a fantastic way to end your time at primary school!
Year 6 Leavers' Performance (7.7.23)
7/07/2023 11:19 AM
Last Friday, our Year 6 children were utterly FANTASTIC in their leavers production of ‘Pantastic’!
Supported by children in Year 5 with singing and stage setting, the Year 6s performed their hearts out to packed audiences of family members and acted out the treasured tale of Peter Pan.
As the children stepped into their roles, they oozed confidence and charm, captivating their audience from start to finish with this classic tale. All children demonstrated creativity in abundance through their interpretation of the much-loved characters and contributed a huge amount to the final performance – no role was too small and everyone commanded the limelight throughout the show. Without a doubt, the incredible acting, emotive and lively singing and subtle humour brought the house down!
Congratulations to all our Year 6 children for their unforgettable performance and thank you to our Year 5s for their contribution to the show.
Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Tirlebrook Newsletters
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.7 (2023-2024)27/10/2023, 3:36 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.6 (2023-2024)20/10/2023, 8:24 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.5 (2023-2024)13/10/2023, 11:33 AM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.4 (2023-2024)06/10/2023, 10:29 AM
Coming Up

"Tirlebrook is a very friendly school; our child is very happy here."     "Enthusiastic, committed staff inspire the children."     "The school is very inclusive."     "Tirlebrook is safe place for my child to learn."     "The staff are helpful and friendly with very positive attitudes."


Thank you for visiting the Tirlebrook Primary School website.

Learning is at the heart of everything we do. At Tirlebrook, to ensure that learning thrives, we encourage the children to exploreenjoy and excel in every aspect of their schooling together. It is our aim to develop resilient, independent, confident and happy learners. We pride ourselves in being friendly, inclusive and welcoming.

Tirlebrook is a place where:

  •  the acquiring and modifying of skills, knowledge, behaviour and values is successfully supported
  •  the joy of learning is readily experienced
  •  opportunities for children to be curious are widely provided 
  •  imaginations are stimulated
  •  commitment, achievement and excellence are celebrated
  •  perseverance, determination and self-belief are inspired
  •  integrity, fairness and honesty are highly valued 
  •  working together as a team is the norm 

This is all achieved in an environment where children are expected to be readyrespectful and responsible.

Our core values are also at the heart of everything we do. Additionally, Tirlebrook is a place where:

  • creativity and enrichment are promoted
  • worthwhile interactions and relationships with each other, our wider school family and the community beyond are established
  • connecting with our environment is encouraged
  • positive attitude is harnessed as skills and talents are cultivated  

This is what makes our school special to us.  

We hope that the information contained in our website will give you an idea of what life is like at our school. If you would like any further information or would like to arrange a visit to our school, our contact details can be found on the ‘Contact Us’ page.

Latest Events

Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Year 6 Visit to Shrewsbury Prison
11/10/2023 11:39 AM

Elder Class experienced what it would have been like to be a prisoner during the Victorian times, amongst other things, when they visited Shrewsbury Prison as part of their 'Crime and Punishment' curriculum learning on Wednesday 11th October. Despite the dreary weather, the children's enthusiasm was heightened as they took part in a variety of different activities, including: a guided tour of the prison, a question and answer session focused on Victorian times and (what was seemingly the most exciting activity) a prisoner experience! As part of the prisoner experience, the children enjoyed being held in the stocks and locked in a prison cell! The children were impeccably behaved and represented Tirlebrook superbly, while learning a huge amount to enhance their learning, all while having a great time!

Cross Country - Race 2 (5.10.23)
5/10/2023 5:27 PM

Tirlebrook’s Cross Country Team headed to the Vineyards for Race 2 of the autumn series of races full of enthusiasm!

Our team of 37 children were looking to build on the previous week’s very successful opening race with every single member of the team giving it their best shot!

In what was another superbly contested run. our boys pushed and challenged themselves as they tackled the Vineyards course and spectacularly, our Tirlebrook boys took the top 3 spots with Henry S just outsprinting George M right at the end in what is sure to be a repeatedly close battle throughout the season. Sami B came home third to make it a 1, 2, 3 finish to Tirlebrook for the second week in a row! Across the team there were some fantastic performances, most notably from Oliver F who improved 13 places to finish in 26th and Theo P who finished 25 places better in 30th. Other big improvements came from Luca A (+11), Louie B (+22), Tommy B (+27), Leo G (+25) and Bailey V (+11). Everyone raced superbly and should be very proud of their efforts and achievement!

The girls’ race was another fantastic race to watch with a terrific effort made by our Tirlebrook girls! Emilia G was the first Tirlebrook girl home, improving her placing by 12 places from the previous week's race. Lily Z made the biggest improvement in finishing position for the girls, coming home 26 places better off!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Emilia G (15th)

2nd - Molly-Anne C (36th)

3rd - Matilda K (37th)

Well done to all of our Tirlebrook runners - you represented Tirlebrook brilliantly and we’re really proud of you all!

Cross Country - Race 1 (28.9.23)
28/09/2023 2:31 PM

On Thursday 28th September, an incredibly positive and enthusiastic group of Tirlebrook children from Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 gathered at the Vineyards to take part in the first Tewkesbury Cross Country event of the season! Many of our children are seasoned professionals, having taken part in Cross Country previously, however for some, it was their first time participating in this very popular Tewkesbury event. Any nervous butterflies and anxieties soon melted away as the races got underway and the children all challenged themselves to do the absolute best they could. Throughout the races, it was fantastic to see all children enjoy the experience, with huge amounts of resilience on display, and we'd like to congratulate all children for their efforts as they persevered to complete their race. Special recognition must be paid to Kelly W and Arthur C from Year 6 who showed huge amounts of team spirit as they valiantly supported other children around the course and encouraged them to keep going so that they finished with a smile on their faces! With over 100 children taking part in the boys' and girls' races, competition for the top places was fierce and, in a truly astounding turn of events, our Tirlebrook boys stole the show by securing the top 3 places in their race! Not only did Henry S, George M and Sami B finish as the first, second and third Tirlebrook boys, they also finished as first, second and third in Race 1 of the Tewkesbury Cross Country Schools event! Incredible!


Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)


Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (12th)

2nd - Matilda K (19th)

3rd - Molly-Anne C (23rd)


Well done everyone! What a fantastic start to the Cross Country season!

Year 2 Tewkesbury Walk About (27.9.23)
27/09/2023 12:08 PM

Our Year 2 Willow Class had a fantastic time exploring the sights of Tewkesbury as they took to the streets and alleys to discover what historical secrets lay within our town. The children's first stop on their tour of Tewkesbury was The Roses Theatre where they talked about and shared stories of the times they had visited to watch plays and films there. Some of the children even told the class about their experiences of performing on the stage at The Roses themselves. Following the class' first local landmark visit, they walked a little further down the High Street and discovered the terrific Tudor architecture that Tewkesbury boasts. At this landmark, the children made observtaional sketches of the places and buildings they saw. The class then headed towards Healings Mill and were treated to a short talk from Miss Walker who shared information about the history of the flour mill. After admiring the mill, the class crossed the River Avon and walked along the river path by The Ham. The Year 2 children spotted lots of brightly coloured boats moored along the river bank and even caught sight of a heron hiding in the bushes. After that, the children of Willow Class made their way to Tewkesbury Abbey and began their exploration of this magnificent building. The children enjoyed looking up at the ceiling architecture and studying the stained glass windows. As they looked around the Abbey, they were able to identify lots of exciting objects, including: candles, the font, gravestones, tombs and the golden eagle lectern. After a brief break, the class walked back to school, passing the War Memorial cross on their way. Willow Class behaved impeccably and walked around the town with great appreciation and respect. The children's tour of Tewkesbury with a focus on the physical and human geographical features of the town will help bring to life learning that happens in the classroom.  

Year 6 Isle of Wight Residential Visit (10.7.23 - 14.7.23)
14/07/2023 11:17 AM
Children in Year 6 had a wonderful time last week when they journeyed to the sunny Isle of Wight for their final Tirlebrook Primary School residential! After a quick stop at Avebury Henge, the children caught the ferry from Southampton to East Cowes and embarked on a jam-packed, week-long island adventure!
Across the week, children enjoyed fossil hunting at Shanklin, trekking across Tennyson Down, observing The Needles from Alum Bay (descending to the beach on the famous coastal chairlift) and exploring the treasures of Dinosaur Isle in Sandown. Visits to Queen Victoria’s private residence on the Island - Osborne House – and Carisbrooke Castle gave children the chance to appreciate the varied history of the Isle too. And if that wasn’t enough to fill the week, children also had great fun at Tapnell Farm Park feeding wallabies, challenging each other on the go-karts and at crazy golf, taking a splash at the mighty Isle of Wight Aquapark and cooling off in the sea or enjoying beach games each evening! A highlight of the week was visiting the RNLI at Bembridge, which the school has a long-standing relationship with and, following a tour, our children were proud to present the volunteers with a cheque for £150.
As you can see, the children made the most of every moment. Each and every Year 6 represented the school superbly and were ready, respectful and responsible at all times. It was fantastic to hear so many positive comments about the children from islanders and other tourists as they criss-crossed the island and travelled from coast to coast! We’re very proud of you all! Well done! What a fantastic week and what a fantastic way to end your time at primary school!
Year 6 Leavers' Performance (7.7.23)
7/07/2023 11:19 AM
Last Friday, our Year 6 children were utterly FANTASTIC in their leavers production of ‘Pantastic’!
Supported by children in Year 5 with singing and stage setting, the Year 6s performed their hearts out to packed audiences of family members and acted out the treasured tale of Peter Pan.
As the children stepped into their roles, they oozed confidence and charm, captivating their audience from start to finish with this classic tale. All children demonstrated creativity in abundance through their interpretation of the much-loved characters and contributed a huge amount to the final performance – no role was too small and everyone commanded the limelight throughout the show. Without a doubt, the incredible acting, emotive and lively singing and subtle humour brought the house down!
Congratulations to all our Year 6 children for their unforgettable performance and thank you to our Year 5s for their contribution to the show.
Year 5 Rockley Point Residential Visit (2.5.23 - 5.5.23)
5/05/2023 11:22 AM

Kayaking, canoeing, windsurfing and sailing were just some of the water sports that children in Year 5 enjoyed when they ventured to Rockley Watersports in Poole for their residential visit! From the moment they arrived, the children were launched into activities that encouraged the development of existing skills and the extensive building of new ones! The children worked brilliantly together across a vast range of activities and it was fantastic to see everyone demonstrate resilience, determination and perseverance when faced with a new challenge (especially when our young learners fell off, got back up, fell off again and got back up again!). We are very proud of our Year 5 children who represented Tirlebrook Primary School in the best way possible and showed exactly what it means to be a pupil at Tirlebrook!

Cross Country - Race 3 (12.10.23)
12/10/2023 11:42 AM

The third Cross Country Race of the season took place on Thursday 12th October and once again, the children of Tirlebrook Primary School showed determination, resilience and positive attitudes as they ran like the wind to achieve the best placings they could! The girls ran first and put in an excellent effort, with many achieving their best finishes of the season. Then, in a jam-packed boys' race of over 130 runners, our incredible threesome of Henry S, George M and Sami B made it a hat-trick of first, second and third places! A thrilling run saw Henry S cross the line in just over 4 minutes and 20 seconds with George M right on his shoulder; it was the closest finish to a cross country race that we have seen for a very long time. What a superb effort!

All children have made huge strides of progress across the season so far and there were lots of personal bests this week: Ava B, Tommy B, Maisie B, Oliver F, Anabelle G, Ted G, Toby H, Bella M, Ella R, Jack R, Jason S, Ellcie S, Willow T & Amy T. The children should be rightly very proud of their achievements as there have been some truly outstanding performances!

Tirlebrook Boys' Race

1st - Henry S (1st)

2nd - George M (2nd)

3rd - Sami B (3rd)

Tirlebrook Girls' Race

1st - Maisie B (11th)

2nd - Emilia G (16th)

3rd - Isla C (31st)

A superb effort all around from Team Tirlebrook! Well done everyone – we look forward to returning to cross country in the Spring Term.

Tirlebrook Newsletters
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.7 (2023-2024)27/10/2023, 3:36 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.6 (2023-2024)20/10/2023, 8:24 PM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.5 (2023-2024)13/10/2023, 11:33 AM
Tirlebrook Newsletter No.4 (2023-2024)06/10/2023, 10:29 AM
Coming Up

"Tirlebrook is a very friendly school; our child is very happy here."     "Enthusiastic, committed staff inspire the children."     "The school is very inclusive."     "Tirlebrook is safe place for my child to learn."     "The staff are helpful and friendly with very positive attitudes."