What do children at Tirlebrook Primary School enjoy about music?

Music at Tirlebrook Primary School

Music Photo Gallery

Music Documentation & Information

Music - National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Music - Tirlebrook's Curriculum - coming soon

Music - Progression of Skills

Music - Key Vocabulary - coming soon


We have designed a high-quality music curriculum for the pupils who come to Tirlebrook Primary School.

We believe that music is a universal language and that everyone can and should be engaged and inspired by it. It is our intention that, through our carefully sequenced curriculum, our children will develop a personal connection with music and find enjoyment from being exposed to a wealth of musical experiences and opportunities.

Our music curriculum is deigned to progressively develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding that builds on prior learning and allows children the opportunity to draw on what they have learned before. It is our aim that children should talk confidently and eloquently about music, using accurate technical vocabulary and we hope to achieve this through precision teaching supported by a clear musical pathway.

Providing children with a variety of structured and unstructured musical activities, it is our plan that children will be able to enjoy new discoveries within a supportive learning environment where they feel confident to explore and be creative both independently and together.

It is our belief that music is an excellent medium for children to be able to express themselves, whether it be through performance, composition or appraisal, and it is our intention to share the wide variety of musical genres and styles with children from across a wide-ranging period of time that will enable children to identify with music as a creative art, find comfort in it and from it and use it to express their emotions. Music also has the power to evoke emotions within children, and it is our intention that children will respond to music with clarity and understanding.

Through our curriculum, we will build in meaningful opportunities for children to listen to and learn about the music of great composers and musicians from traditional backgrounds, as well as those from different countries and cultures. With this approach, our children will build an appreciation and respect for diversity within this incredibly creative subject.

It is important to us that our curriculum gives our children meaningful experiences to play, perform, listen, respond, appraise, create and compose. In this way, we will be able to nurture talent, support strengths and musical interests and support all children to achieve the very best they can. Where purposeful links can be made, we aim to make connections between music and a range of other subjects, including: computing, dance, design and technology, drama, English, maths and performing arts. Stimulating the minds of our learners by making these connections will ensure that children are able to engage positively with music having developed positive attitudes towards music. We believe that building opportunities for our children to experience these links first-hand and from experts, our children will develop a strong thirst for learning and show resilience across this extensive subject, proving that music has something for every child at Tirlebrook Primary School.

We are proud to offer a broad and exciting music curriculum that will inspire and excite the children who attend Tirlebrook Primary School.


The music curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School is delivered to the children through a series of weekly timetabled lessons, with additional opportunities found to immerse the children in a broad musical curriculum throughout the week.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, qualified teachers use ‘Charanga’ as the principal resource to plan and deliver a progressive music curriculum that is fun, exciting and engaging for all. Through a sequence of learning aligned with the National Curriculum, children are exposed to a broad range of musical topics and themes that gives them access to new learning content, knowledge and skills while also building on prior knowledge and developing skills. For the benefit of all children, and to further enhance the music curriculum, this scheme of learning is supplemented with additional teaching and learning opportunities and high-quality resources and adapted to support our ethos of making and building connections between subjects, for example art, religious education, dance and languages, history and geography etc.  

To ensure that all children develop the necessary set of skills that enables them to express themselves articulately, with knowledge and understanding, teachers refer to a progressive set of musical vocabulary and terminology.

Music lessons taught by our teachers promote active participation through the inclusion of games, rhymes, chants, singing and playing of both tuned and untuned instruments (for example) where the effort of all is praised and celebrated. Practical activities form the foundation of all music lessons and encourage memorable, meaningful and purposeful opportunities that support the learning of new skills and musical vocabulary and terminology. Music lessons taught by external music teachers are also available to some year groups for whole class instrument tuition opportunities. Learning and lesson outcomes will vary according to the lesson content, the lesson skill being developed and the style of activity completed by the children and the children’s responses and contributions may be shared through performances, through art, photographs and video media (for example). Each music sequence of learning culminates in a positive celebration of the learning.

Music in our early years setting is shared through discrete music lessons supported by ‘Charanga’ and continuous provision activities and is a means of communication and learning in other areas of the curriculum. Carefully planned activities make important contributions to the children’s development in the areas of ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ and ‘Communication and Language’; they are also important in children’s ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’.

Alongside the formal teaching of our music lessons, children throughout the school are offered a wide range of additional musical opportunities including listening to a broad range of music genres, participation in Young Voices and Whole Class Music Tuition supported by the Gloucestershire Music Service. To further enrich, support and supplement our teacher-led music lessons and curriculum delivery, we provide first-hand musical experiences through trips and visits and inviting visitors and musicians into school. Additionally, children and families have access to private peripatetic music tuition facilitated by the school.

Children across the school are assessed informally against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor the progress and achievement of each child.


Coming soon...

What do children at Tirlebrook Primary School enjoy about music?

Music at Tirlebrook Primary School

Music Photo Gallery

Music Documentation & Information

Music - National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Music - Tirlebrook's Curriculum - coming soon

Music - Progression of Skills

Music - Key Vocabulary - coming soon


We have designed a high-quality music curriculum for the pupils who come to Tirlebrook Primary School.

We believe that music is a universal language and that everyone can and should be engaged and inspired by it. It is our intention that, through our carefully sequenced curriculum, our children will develop a personal connection with music and find enjoyment from being exposed to a wealth of musical experiences and opportunities.

Our music curriculum is deigned to progressively develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding that builds on prior learning and allows children the opportunity to draw on what they have learned before. It is our aim that children should talk confidently and eloquently about music, using accurate technical vocabulary and we hope to achieve this through precision teaching supported by a clear musical pathway.

Providing children with a variety of structured and unstructured musical activities, it is our plan that children will be able to enjoy new discoveries within a supportive learning environment where they feel confident to explore and be creative both independently and together.

It is our belief that music is an excellent medium for children to be able to express themselves, whether it be through performance, composition or appraisal, and it is our intention to share the wide variety of musical genres and styles with children from across a wide-ranging period of time that will enable children to identify with music as a creative art, find comfort in it and from it and use it to express their emotions. Music also has the power to evoke emotions within children, and it is our intention that children will respond to music with clarity and understanding.

Through our curriculum, we will build in meaningful opportunities for children to listen to and learn about the music of great composers and musicians from traditional backgrounds, as well as those from different countries and cultures. With this approach, our children will build an appreciation and respect for diversity within this incredibly creative subject.

It is important to us that our curriculum gives our children meaningful experiences to play, perform, listen, respond, appraise, create and compose. In this way, we will be able to nurture talent, support strengths and musical interests and support all children to achieve the very best they can. Where purposeful links can be made, we aim to make connections between music and a range of other subjects, including: computing, dance, design and technology, drama, English, maths and performing arts. Stimulating the minds of our learners by making these connections will ensure that children are able to engage positively with music having developed positive attitudes towards music. We believe that building opportunities for our children to experience these links first-hand and from experts, our children will develop a strong thirst for learning and show resilience across this extensive subject, proving that music has something for every child at Tirlebrook Primary School.

We are proud to offer a broad and exciting music curriculum that will inspire and excite the children who attend Tirlebrook Primary School.


The music curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School is delivered to the children through a series of weekly timetabled lessons, with additional opportunities found to immerse the children in a broad musical curriculum throughout the week.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, qualified teachers use ‘Charanga’ as the principal resource to plan and deliver a progressive music curriculum that is fun, exciting and engaging for all. Through a sequence of learning aligned with the National Curriculum, children are exposed to a broad range of musical topics and themes that gives them access to new learning content, knowledge and skills while also building on prior knowledge and developing skills. For the benefit of all children, and to further enhance the music curriculum, this scheme of learning is supplemented with additional teaching and learning opportunities and high-quality resources and adapted to support our ethos of making and building connections between subjects, for example art, religious education, dance and languages, history and geography etc.  

To ensure that all children develop the necessary set of skills that enables them to express themselves articulately, with knowledge and understanding, teachers refer to a progressive set of musical vocabulary and terminology.

Music lessons taught by our teachers promote active participation through the inclusion of games, rhymes, chants, singing and playing of both tuned and untuned instruments (for example) where the effort of all is praised and celebrated. Practical activities form the foundation of all music lessons and encourage memorable, meaningful and purposeful opportunities that support the learning of new skills and musical vocabulary and terminology. Music lessons taught by external music teachers are also available to some year groups for whole class instrument tuition opportunities. Learning and lesson outcomes will vary according to the lesson content, the lesson skill being developed and the style of activity completed by the children and the children’s responses and contributions may be shared through performances, through art, photographs and video media (for example). Each music sequence of learning culminates in a positive celebration of the learning.

Music in our early years setting is shared through discrete music lessons supported by ‘Charanga’ and continuous provision activities and is a means of communication and learning in other areas of the curriculum. Carefully planned activities make important contributions to the children’s development in the areas of ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ and ‘Communication and Language’; they are also important in children’s ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’.

Alongside the formal teaching of our music lessons, children throughout the school are offered a wide range of additional musical opportunities including listening to a broad range of music genres, participation in Young Voices and Whole Class Music Tuition supported by the Gloucestershire Music Service. To further enrich, support and supplement our teacher-led music lessons and curriculum delivery, we provide first-hand musical experiences through trips and visits and inviting visitors and musicians into school. Additionally, children and families have access to private peripatetic music tuition facilitated by the school.

Children across the school are assessed informally against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor the progress and achievement of each child.


Coming soon...

What do children at Tirlebrook Primary School enjoy about music?

Music at Tirlebrook Primary School

Music Photo Gallery

Music Documentation & Information

Music - National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Music - Tirlebrook's Curriculum - coming soon

Music - Progression of Skills

Music - Key Vocabulary - coming soon


We have designed a high-quality music curriculum for the pupils who come to Tirlebrook Primary School.

We believe that music is a universal language and that everyone can and should be engaged and inspired by it. It is our intention that, through our carefully sequenced curriculum, our children will develop a personal connection with music and find enjoyment from being exposed to a wealth of musical experiences and opportunities.

Our music curriculum is deigned to progressively develop children’s skills, knowledge and understanding that builds on prior learning and allows children the opportunity to draw on what they have learned before. It is our aim that children should talk confidently and eloquently about music, using accurate technical vocabulary and we hope to achieve this through precision teaching supported by a clear musical pathway.

Providing children with a variety of structured and unstructured musical activities, it is our plan that children will be able to enjoy new discoveries within a supportive learning environment where they feel confident to explore and be creative both independently and together.

It is our belief that music is an excellent medium for children to be able to express themselves, whether it be through performance, composition or appraisal, and it is our intention to share the wide variety of musical genres and styles with children from across a wide-ranging period of time that will enable children to identify with music as a creative art, find comfort in it and from it and use it to express their emotions. Music also has the power to evoke emotions within children, and it is our intention that children will respond to music with clarity and understanding.

Through our curriculum, we will build in meaningful opportunities for children to listen to and learn about the music of great composers and musicians from traditional backgrounds, as well as those from different countries and cultures. With this approach, our children will build an appreciation and respect for diversity within this incredibly creative subject.

It is important to us that our curriculum gives our children meaningful experiences to play, perform, listen, respond, appraise, create and compose. In this way, we will be able to nurture talent, support strengths and musical interests and support all children to achieve the very best they can. Where purposeful links can be made, we aim to make connections between music and a range of other subjects, including: computing, dance, design and technology, drama, English, maths and performing arts. Stimulating the minds of our learners by making these connections will ensure that children are able to engage positively with music having developed positive attitudes towards music. We believe that building opportunities for our children to experience these links first-hand and from experts, our children will develop a strong thirst for learning and show resilience across this extensive subject, proving that music has something for every child at Tirlebrook Primary School.

We are proud to offer a broad and exciting music curriculum that will inspire and excite the children who attend Tirlebrook Primary School.


The music curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School is delivered to the children through a series of weekly timetabled lessons, with additional opportunities found to immerse the children in a broad musical curriculum throughout the week.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, qualified teachers use ‘Charanga’ as the principal resource to plan and deliver a progressive music curriculum that is fun, exciting and engaging for all. Through a sequence of learning aligned with the National Curriculum, children are exposed to a broad range of musical topics and themes that gives them access to new learning content, knowledge and skills while also building on prior knowledge and developing skills. For the benefit of all children, and to further enhance the music curriculum, this scheme of learning is supplemented with additional teaching and learning opportunities and high-quality resources and adapted to support our ethos of making and building connections between subjects, for example art, religious education, dance and languages, history and geography etc.  

To ensure that all children develop the necessary set of skills that enables them to express themselves articulately, with knowledge and understanding, teachers refer to a progressive set of musical vocabulary and terminology.

Music lessons taught by our teachers promote active participation through the inclusion of games, rhymes, chants, singing and playing of both tuned and untuned instruments (for example) where the effort of all is praised and celebrated. Practical activities form the foundation of all music lessons and encourage memorable, meaningful and purposeful opportunities that support the learning of new skills and musical vocabulary and terminology. Music lessons taught by external music teachers are also available to some year groups for whole class instrument tuition opportunities. Learning and lesson outcomes will vary according to the lesson content, the lesson skill being developed and the style of activity completed by the children and the children’s responses and contributions may be shared through performances, through art, photographs and video media (for example). Each music sequence of learning culminates in a positive celebration of the learning.

Music in our early years setting is shared through discrete music lessons supported by ‘Charanga’ and continuous provision activities and is a means of communication and learning in other areas of the curriculum. Carefully planned activities make important contributions to the children’s development in the areas of ‘Expressive Arts and Design’ and ‘Communication and Language’; they are also important in children’s ‘Personal, Social and Emotional Development’.

Alongside the formal teaching of our music lessons, children throughout the school are offered a wide range of additional musical opportunities including listening to a broad range of music genres, participation in Young Voices and Whole Class Music Tuition supported by the Gloucestershire Music Service. To further enrich, support and supplement our teacher-led music lessons and curriculum delivery, we provide first-hand musical experiences through trips and visits and inviting visitors and musicians into school. Additionally, children and families have access to private peripatetic music tuition facilitated by the school.

Children across the school are assessed informally against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor the progress and achievement of each child.


Coming soon...