What do our children think of our computing curriculum? Quotes from our children coming soon...

Computing at Tirlebrook Primary School

Computing Gallery

Coming soon...

Art & Design Documentation & Information

Computing - National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Computing - Tirlebrook's Curriculum - coming soon

Computing - Curriculum Mapping - coming soon

Computing - Progression of Skills - coming soon

Computing - Key Vocabulary - coming soon


At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a computing curriculum that enables all children to explore, enjoy and excel in their learning together.

It is our intention to deliver a computing curriculum that ensures our children have the best possible opportunity to progressively build and develop a full range of necessary life-skills that will enable them to have the confidence to embrace and utilise technology confidently and in a socially responsible and safe way. Our delivery of the computing curriculum will not be restricted to direct teaching, but also indirect teaching and use across the entire curriculum experience that children at Tirlebrook Primary School receive.

Through our curriculum delivery, we will strive to encourage the creative use of technology that will develop critical thinking skills and resilience in response to problem solving. Not only do we want our children to be digitally literate and competent users of a range of hardware and software, we also want our children to develop the knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for exploring how the technology works. We believe that computing and computer science is a world-wide language and if we can facilitate our children in understanding this language by providing first-hand experiences that encourage the accurate use of technical language and vocabulary, our computing curriculum will allow all children to become articulate within this subject area, therefore unlocking many pathways for achievement within the global community, both now and in the future.

It is the aim of our computing curriculum that our children respect the value of technology. As such, our e-safety curriculum within the computing curriculum is designed to teach children, about the positive and negative impacts of technology in the world we live in today. We want our children to understand and value the many benefits of the internet but ensure that they also understand how to stay safe online.

It is important to us that the teaching and learning experiences we provide our children through our computing curriculum allow them to develop positive attitudes towards computing and give them the necessary tools to participate successfully in an ever changing and increasingly technological world.


Computing at Tirlebrook Primary School is delivered by qualified teachers who use the published scheme ‘Kapow Computing’ as the principal resource to plan and deliver our broad and balanced computing curriculum.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, core computing skills and themes are delivered through a series of weekly timetabled lessons that are taught discretely. Each sequence of learning focusses on a key aspect of the National Curriculum for computing and is broken into a series of lessons that progressively builds on children’s knowledge and understanding and provides children with the opportunity to transfer skills. ‘Kapow Computing’ supports our curriculum ethos of making and building meaningful connections between subjects with learning opportunities built into the scheme to support science, art and music etc.

Computing lessons are inclusive and allow all children to explore the growing and changing world of computing and digital technology. Lessons incorporate a range of first-hand digital activities and tasks, as well as ‘unplugged’ activities, that encourage active participation and involvement. Learning and lesson outcomes will vary according to the lesson content, the lesson skill being developed and the style of activity completed by the children and children’s responses may be shared verbally, in writing or digitally, as well as being documented through photographs and video media.

Alongside the discrete teaching of computing, learning across the curriculum is supported and enhanced by the use of digital technology, with teachers at Tirlebrook Primary School promoting the transference of computing skills from theory and practice into real-world application for purpose. Supported by digital technology (hardware and software), learning and lesson outcomes across the curriculum are multi-dimensional and provide children with a range of ways to develop their knowledge and understanding.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, children are regularly taught about the benefits that digital technology and the internet offer, as well as being reminded that these benefits are also accompanied by risks. Through a carefully structured annual programme, e-safety lessons are taught explicitly and discretely and form a progressive thread through all aspects of our Tirlebrook computing curriculum and the children’s use of digital technology.

Children across the school are assessed informally against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor the progress and attainment of each child within computing.


Coming soon...