Tirlebrook's Curriculum Statement

At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a bespoke curriculum that enables all children to explore, enjoy and excel in their learning together.

  • Explore: across a broad and balanced curriculum, our children’s curiosity is supported and nurtured enabling meaningful and deep learning experiences and outcomes in an environment that promotes a growth mindset and focusses on children’s well-being 
  • Enjoy: through varied first-hand learning experiences, all children are engaged in their learning, enthusiastic and motivated to succeed; children are excited to learn and the children’s spirit for learning extends beyond the school gates
  • Excel: high expectations for all ensure that all children are challenged to aim high, make progress, achieve well and become the very best they can be; children develop confidence and self-belief and are proud of their learning, work and themselves
  • Together: collaboration and teamwork in learning are promoted and develop vital communication skills that prepare all children for the next stage in their learning and in life

Our rich and vibrant curriculum provides children with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes towards their learning and each other and nurtures creativity in all children in any environment with any member of our community.

Children leave Tirlebrook Primary School as articulate and resilient young people who have an appreciation of the community in which they live, celebrate the diversity of the wider community and recognise the importance of their beliefs and the beliefs of others. 

The Tirlebrook Primary School curriculum is achieved through all members of the school community being encouraged and expected to be ready, respectful and responsible.

Curriculum Maps

What learning is taking place in each year group? Take a look at each class' Curriculum Map to find out!

Autumn Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming soon...

Spring Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming January 2024...

Summer Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming April 2024...

Tirlebrook's Curriculum Statement

At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a bespoke curriculum that enables all children to explore, enjoy and excel in their learning together.

  • Explore: across a broad and balanced curriculum, our children’s curiosity is supported and nurtured enabling meaningful and deep learning experiences and outcomes in an environment that promotes a growth mindset and focusses on children’s well-being 
  • Enjoy: through varied first-hand learning experiences, all children are engaged in their learning, enthusiastic and motivated to succeed; children are excited to learn and the children’s spirit for learning extends beyond the school gates
  • Excel: high expectations for all ensure that all children are challenged to aim high, make progress, achieve well and become the very best they can be; children develop confidence and self-belief and are proud of their learning, work and themselves
  • Together: collaboration and teamwork in learning are promoted and develop vital communication skills that prepare all children for the next stage in their learning and in life

Our rich and vibrant curriculum provides children with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes towards their learning and each other and nurtures creativity in all children in any environment with any member of our community.

Children leave Tirlebrook Primary School as articulate and resilient young people who have an appreciation of the community in which they live, celebrate the diversity of the wider community and recognise the importance of their beliefs and the beliefs of others. 

The Tirlebrook Primary School curriculum is achieved through all members of the school community being encouraged and expected to be ready, respectful and responsible.

Curriculum Maps

What learning is taking place in each year group? Take a look at each class' Curriculum Map to find out!

Autumn Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming soon...

Spring Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming January 2024...

Summer Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming April 2024...

Tirlebrook's Curriculum Statement

At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a bespoke curriculum that enables all children to explore, enjoy and excel in their learning together.

  • Explore: across a broad and balanced curriculum, our children’s curiosity is supported and nurtured enabling meaningful and deep learning experiences and outcomes in an environment that promotes a growth mindset and focusses on children’s well-being 
  • Enjoy: through varied first-hand learning experiences, all children are engaged in their learning, enthusiastic and motivated to succeed; children are excited to learn and the children’s spirit for learning extends beyond the school gates
  • Excel: high expectations for all ensure that all children are challenged to aim high, make progress, achieve well and become the very best they can be; children develop confidence and self-belief and are proud of their learning, work and themselves
  • Together: collaboration and teamwork in learning are promoted and develop vital communication skills that prepare all children for the next stage in their learning and in life

Our rich and vibrant curriculum provides children with the opportunity to develop positive attitudes towards their learning and each other and nurtures creativity in all children in any environment with any member of our community.

Children leave Tirlebrook Primary School as articulate and resilient young people who have an appreciation of the community in which they live, celebrate the diversity of the wider community and recognise the importance of their beliefs and the beliefs of others. 

The Tirlebrook Primary School curriculum is achieved through all members of the school community being encouraged and expected to be ready, respectful and responsible.

Curriculum Maps

What learning is taking place in each year group? Take a look at each class' Curriculum Map to find out!

Autumn Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming soon...

Spring Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming January 2024...

Summer Term (I) Curriculum Topic Maps

Coming April 2024...