Fundraising at Tirlebrook
Tirlebrook Primary School has a strong history of raising funds, whether it be for the school or for charities (local and world-wide), and over the years we have raised thousands of pounds for good causes thanks to the support of our school community.
We are also very lucky at Tirlebrook to have a very supportive school community who are enthusiastic and actively find ways to fundraise. Parents and families frequently volunteer to arrange quiz nights and coffee mornings, as well as other events, and each year we hold a very popular and tremendously successful Christmas Fair and an equally fantastic summer fair.
To keep updated of our fundraising events, especially those arranged by our parent volunteers, visit the Tirlebrook School Fundraising page on Facebook.
If you would like to support our fundraising efforts and join our team of volunteer parents, please contact the school office.
Upcoming Events
Just One Tree - Non-Uniform Day - Friday 15th October
Armistice Day: Royal British Legion - Poppy Appeal Collection - Thursday 11th November
Children in Need - Show Your Spots - Friday 19th November
Check ClassDojo and our newsletters for more information about our upcoming fundraising events.
How can you support Tirlebrook Primary School?
Visit our Tirlebrook Amazon Wishlist and select a book or books from the varied and extensive list that we would love to add to our school library collection. Each book that is purchased and sponsored by families will have a special book dedication placed in the front of the book as special recognition and thanks for helping us grow our school library!
So far, members of our school community have sponsored over 90 books!
Thank you so much for your kindness, generosity and support!
easyfundraising is a great way to shop online and raise funds for our school.
Simply visit the website to register for an account and link your account to Tirlebrook Primary School.
easyfundraising has linked with thousands of high street stores and online shops to make shopping easy and most importantly make fundraising easy!
So far, members of our school community have raised £287.93 for our school!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Fundraising Archive
Take a look at some of the fundraising we have taken part in recently and celebrate with us the contributions we have made to charities and good causes.
We were thrilled to be able to support Children in Need again this year. Children across the school came to school wearing non-uniform while Rowan Class enjoyed joining Joe Wicks for his 24-hour PE Challenge.
With your support, we raised a fantastic sum of £245.70!
Thank you for your support.
Every year, Tirlebrook recognises Remembrance Day and finds a special way to mark this important event in British History.
In support of the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal, we raised a fantastic total of £261.30.
Please watch the video to share in our special day and see how we commemorated 11th November together as a school community.
Lest we forget.
In May 2020, we held a Novelty Hair Styles (NHS) fundraising day in support of Cotswold Scrubs. During the Coronavirus pandemic, Cotswold Scrubs made additional scrubs for doctors, nurses and other care providers in hospitals, medical centres, GP surgeries and care homes in our local area.
We are delighted to announce that our NHS event raised an incredible £227.