Read on to find out about our sporting curricular and extra-curricular opportunities

as well as other experiences for the academic year 2017-2018


Tirlebrook Celebrates Another Fantastic Year of School Sport

We have had another fantastic year of sport here at Tirlebrook, indeed a stand-out phenomenal year, and it is great to be recognised for the commitment and effort that has gone into establishing opportunities, experiences and healthy lifestyle choices for our pupils. This has happened in a couple of ways as we end another academic year.

It has been a record-breaking year. County finalists in netball, cross country, hockey, cricket and Panathlon Challenge, the versatility, resilience and positive attitude from our pupils has been a pleasure to behold and an inspiration to our entire school community. Due to their incredible efforts, we also finished in first place out of over 40 teams in the Cheltenham Tag Rugby Festival and we have also been crowned the champions of Tewkesbury in netball (both league and cup), cross country (for the first time since 1998), rounders (for the first time since 2006), sportshall athletics, tag rugby and triathlon, with runners-up positions achieved in football, athletics and NFL flag football. Other events that have been participated in include fencing, archery, ultimate Frisbee, tri-golf, dance, swimming and mountain biking. All with great effort, all with a smile on their faces, all with determination and positivity. Wow, just wow!

Tirlebrook has recently been nominated for yet another Gloucestershire School Games award. A celebration event takes place in September and we have been recognised once more for our commitment to engaging pupils in school sport opportunities, providing the highest number of events and activities for pupils across the entire Tewkesbury and Cheltenham area. We are the most active school across the region for the third year in succession. Now that is some feat for one year, but for three! It is credit to the consistent commitment from our staff and pupils (over three years plus now) that a one-form entry school is offering so much when compared to the activities of over 60 others in the area. We were also praised for our commitment to developing the Daily Mile through our work with Tirlebrook 10, and also the impact and enjoyment received from our weekly before-school Running Club. We will have to wait until September to see if we will win the Gloucestershire School Games award, but even if we do not, recognition of this type is very hard to come by and very gratefully received. 

We are also delighted to share that we have been recognised for the fourth year in succession by the School Games National Organisation as being a Gold Kitemark standard school. We are one of very few schools in the Tewkesbury and Cheltenham area to receive this honour this year as the bar has certainly been raised. We have a record of achievement in this area only bettered by one Cheltenham school, St. Gregory's, since the inception of the School Games in 2013 as part of our Olympic legacy.

We are determined to continue with our pledge to ensure that at Tirlebrook the children enjoy, explore and excel together in as many ways as possible.

Y6 Takeover Running Club Plus Awards & New Route - Thursday, 19th July 2018 

We had a wonderful final Running Club of the year as the Y6 children took the lead for their very last session. Arriving at 7:30 a.m. to set up, the children led the warm up before setting the rest of the children off on a long run with a difference! As part of each circuit, each runner was invited to complete a range of activities, including football dribble, hurdles, ladders and poles, penalty shoot, netball shoot and tunnel crawl. And the boot was certainly on the other foot as the Y6 children also did the job of lap counting whilst Mr. Lockley and Mr. Tomkins joined in with the activities. Indeed, their time was made even more difficult by being asked to complete a circuit as a three-legged unit. It was hilarious and the knot joining them together was so tight that Mr. Tomkins eventually had to remove his shoe! It was all good-natured fun and at the end everyone enjoyed an ice-cool freeze pop. Finally, it was time for the Y6 children to say their farewells to Running Club, an early morning club that most of them had been faithfully attending for the last four years. Mr. Lockley then gave a short speech of thanks and also encouraged them to maintain running together as a group of friends every week once they begin secondary school, as part of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. And with lots of smiles and laughter, it was the end.

Congratulations to Luke Sherbourne, Callum Trust and Jack Ballinger who are the first three runners to complete the fourth and final virtual Running Club route, The Cotswold Way. Just over 100 miles in length, the commitment required to complete this route is quite remarkable. The three boys have all been awarded with special medals to commemorate their achievement. Further to this, Luke, the current holder of our Frank Holley Memorial Cup for Cross Country, has been continuing to run further and further and further, and as such, Running Club has now created a fifth route to complete after the Cotswold Way, in honour of Luke’s incredible commitment and achievements. Named after him, the Sherbourne Route will challenge our most committed Running Club members to run as far as Luke has at Running Club … and that’s a very long way. Congratulations Luke and well done to all of our committed Running Club members. And to our leaving Year 6s, we thank you for all of your input and enthusiasm at Running Club over the years; please maintain running as part of a habitual healthy lifestyle as you move on.


Inter-House Y3 & Y4 Swimming Gala - Monday, 16th July 2018

In the final week of term, the Year 3 and 4 children dived head first into their final sports competition of the year. Swimming costumes packed and ready to go, the children were changed and sitting at the poolside, ready for their races. The event included individual races, relay races and fun competitions. The children were involved in width and length heats and finals, followed by freestyle relays, fun competitions, such as the stylish entry and biggest and smallest splashes, and finally, fun relays, including the woggle relay and the bucket relay. The children performed superbly. They pushed and challenged themselves in every race, they cheered their team on and enjoyed every minute! They particularly enjoyed a few minutes of splash time at the end. Thank you to all of the adults who supported and helped. And thank you to all of the wonderful, determined children in Years 3 and 4 who showed a great amount of self-belief and positivity throughout the competition. We can't wait to do it all again next year!

After combining the results of both galas, we can announce ... Congratulations to Wenlock House who are this year's Inter-House Swimming Champions!


Inter-House Y5 & Y6 Swimming Gala - Wednesday, 4th July 2018

The Year 5 and Year 6 children were very excited to participate in their final inter house competition of the year, the Swimming Gala. We have the great pleasure of using Tewkesbury School’s pool when participating in our weekly swimming sessions. Thanks to the staff there, we are also able to run our annual swimming gala for the junior children. The afternoon was filled with a range of competitive races, including width races, individual length races, longer individual races and several relay races. The children particularly enjoyed performing in specialist events such as the biggest splash, the smallest splash and the most stylish dive in which they competed with a partner this year, which added an extra touch of community spirit. It was a fantastic event to end the year on and one that really does show great teamwork, effort and determination. It is also a wonderful opportunity to see the children's progress in swimming, not only in distance and stamina but in confidence and enthusiasm too. 


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's KS1 Multi Skills Festival - Wednesday, 4th July 2018

Our Y2 children headed over to Cheltenham College to participate in an enjoyable, well organised and physically active multi skills morning at Cheltenham College. The children were really engaged in the activities and they all represented our school brilliantly. Alex and Chloe were awarded School Games values bands for their efforts throughout the morning.

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Rounders Competition - Tuesday, 3rd July 2018

In the hot July sunshine, Tirlebrook ventured over to Tewkesbury School for their final competitive inter-school event of what has been a very busy and extremely successful sporting year, the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network’s Rounders Competition. Twenty one children represented the school in all across two teams, enabling the majority of our rounders club members to participate. The competition was played in two pools. The team in Pool 1 performed excellently, winning twice, against Carrant Brook by 11½ rounders to 2 and eventual tournament runners-up Twyning by 7 rounders to 5. They lost once to Tewkesbury C of E, and after all the pool matches, their overall record was identical to two other teams at the top of the table, with three schools all on 11 points. Unfortunately, due to fewer rounders scored, Tirlebrook did not make it into the final play-off, instead going on to play Mitton. The team should be very proud of their excellent performances. The team in Pool 2 also played extremely well, winning each of their games by some distance and scoring many rounders along the way. They emerged victorious by the score lines of 8 – 3½, 12½ - 4 and 9 - 5 against Mitton, The John Moore and Tewkesbury C of E respectively, qualifying for the gold medal match in the competition. In the final, Tirlebrook found themselves up against Twyning. They began by fielding, where their skills and game knowledge really flourished. Each player contributed superbly, using communication and great teamwork to enable them to stop the opposition scoring. When their batting time had ended, Twyning had managed to score a total of 3½ rounders, the lowest score that they had managed in the whole competition. Tirlebrook then took to the batting line and with hit after hit, the team smashed the ball into deep field, scoring rounder after rounder. Combining their fantastic skill level, knowledge of tactics within the game and their superb teamwork, Tirlebrook stormed to victory, lifting the trophy for our school proudly for the first time since 2006. Every child performed excellently, but Alfie Cull and Callum Trust stood out and were awarded School Games values bands for ‘Passion’ and ‘Determination’ respectively. The skill level and game play on show throughout the competition was impressive and the attitude and effort of the children in both teams were phenomenal. Mr Lockley and Mrs Featonby are extremely proud indeed.


Pool 1 Team – Max Scott (captain), Esme Burton, Alfie Cull, Izzy Fisher, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Sophie Messenger, Elliott Parsons, Bea Prosser, Martha Simpson, Oliver Slatter & Anthony Zvarych

Pool 2 Team – Oscar Guthrie (captain), Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Peyton Bunce, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale & Callum Trust


Tewkesbury Children’s Triathlon - Sunday, 1st July 2018

The annual Tewkesbury Tri-Stars and Cheltenham School Sports Network Triathlon took place in the glorious sunshine at Tewkesbury School. There were over 155 children taking part from various local schools and Tirlebrook were represented by eight children from Years 3-6. The race consisted of a two length swim, a two lap bike ride and then a two lap run. Although the weather was extremely hot there was a cooling breeze and the children gave their all. Ewan Gosden won the Y3 Boys’ race, Julia Gardiner came 2nd in the Y3 Girls’ race and William Bethel came 3rd in the Y4 Boys’ race. The Tirlebrook team’s outstanding performance meant that they accrued the most points overall and came away with the Large Schools' Triathlon Trophy! Congratulations!

Squad: William Bethel, Julia Gardiner, Ewan Gosden, Isobel Mclaren, Elliott Parsons, Freddie Parsons, Calum Pryce & Erin Pryce


GCB Y3 & Y4 Kwik Cricket Festival @ Tewkesbury Cricket Club - Thursday, 28th June 2018

A team of Y4 boys represented Tirlebrook at the GCB Y3 & Y4 Kwik Cricket Festival at Tewkesbury Cricket Club. The team worked well together and won both their qualifying matches (against Eldersfield C and Temple Guiting). In the semi-finals they were up against Eldersfield A. It was a close game, however in spite of their best efforts, they went on to lose by 11 runs. The team had a wonderful time playing cricket in the sunshine and were proud to have made it to the semis. 

Team: William Bethel, Owen Burford, Oakley Hiorns, Daniyal Khan, Freddie Parsons, Joshua Smith, Rhys Thomas & Finlay Whittard

Cotswold Athletics Event @ The Prince of Wales Stadium, Cheltenham - Saturday, 23rd June 2018

On a bright and sunny Saturday morning, Tirlebrook children, families and staff gathered together for yet another exciting, annual event, the Cotswold Athletics. The event took place at The Prince of Wales Stadium in Cheltenham. This gave the children the amazing experience of competing in an actual athletics stadium, running on a proper track in a finishing straight in front of a grandstand of spectators. What a great opportunity for so many children! The day began with the Year 6 and Year 5 100m sprints, followed by the Year 4 and Year 3 50m sprints. All of the children performed brilliantly, achieving third, second and even some first place positions in their races. Some of them managed to secure a place in the finals from their performances. The 1000m race then began, with the children preparing themselves for a challenging event. All four participants demonstrated great determination, pushing themselves to not only finish the race, but to finish the race successfully! The 200m sprint for girls then took place followed by the Year 5 and Year 6 400m boys' race. It was wonderful to see great teamwork as the children offered advice to each other. Then it was time for the finals and they were filled with Tirlebrook faces. It was great to see so many of our children make it to the final races. The team relay races followed the finals and the teams gathered together to prepare themselves. The energy and teamwork between the children was admirable. They all cheered each other on, celebrated together and remained positive throughout. There were even some mixed relay races where tactical decisions needed to be made around which legs would be run by which children. While all of this was going on, several children represented Tirlebrook very successfully in the throwing and long jump competitions. As the event came to a close, the schools gathered to hear the results. Tirlebrook sat patiently and eagerly as the 5th and 4th placed schools were announced… but still Tirlebrook had not been mentioned. This year, through determination, self-belief, a great team spirit and an amazing positive attitude, Tirlebrook finished in 3rd place overall and the team captains were presented with The Rose Bowl. The whole event was filled with great community spirit and a great sense of achievement for our school. With the help of our dedicated staff, with the support and shouts of encouragement from all of our friends and families, and the phenomenal attitudes of our children, this was a huge success. Well done to all of our children for their amazing achievements. We are all extremely proud of you. 

Squad: Ava Baker & Callum Trust (captains); Hattie Akerman, Jack Ballinger, Edward Bowes, Owen Burford, Esme Burton, Tilly Burton, Molly Clarke, Byran Cotton, Riley Cotton, Charlie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Silas Fox, Julia Gardiner, Ewan Gosden, Luke Griffin, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Keira Hancox, Zoe Hunt, Chloe Messenger, Sophie Messenger, Elliott Parsons, Freddie Parsons, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Luke Sherbourne, Martha Simpson, George Teasdale, Lilia Teasdale & Leah Trust

GCB County Kwik Cricket Finals @ Cheltenham College - Friday, 22nd June 2018

Due to our very successful performance winning the GCB Cheltenham Kwik Cricket Festival, our Y5 & Y6 team progressed to the County Finals Day at Cheltenham College. They looked very smart in the Kwik Cricket t-shirts that they won in the local round. They played 3 schools - Barr’s Court from Bristol, Chalford Hill from Stroud and St Mary’s from Tetbury. The competition was of a very high standard and despite some outstanding batting, bowling and fielding, and no shortage of teamwork, positivity and determination, our team lost their matches. It was a great opportunity to play at such a beautiful and iconic venue and the team represented Tirlebrook brilliantly. 

Team: Luke Sherbourne (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Oliver Slatter & Callum Trust


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Athletics Competition - Tuesday, 19th June 2018

More than thirty of our junior children took part in the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Athletics competition at Tewkesbury School, and were supported at the event by at least eight members of Tirlebrook School staff as well as many friends and families. It really was a community event with adults and children alike cheering for the children as they competed in their events. The event consisted of sprint races, long distance races, field events and relays. The children performed superbly! Not only did they achieve well in their individual and team events, their attitudes and determination were simply extraordinary. They cheered each other on, they supported each other after challenging events and they behaved impeccably during their races. During the course of the evening, the children achieved 1st position in a variety of events, including the Year 4 girls' relay, the Year 3 girls' relay, Jack in the Year 5/6 boys' throwing event and William in the Year 3/4 boys' throwing event. Some of the children also gained second place positions, including Ava in the 200m race, Zoe in the Year 3/4 long jump event and Luke in the Year 5/6 boys' long jump. In some races, the children achieved third position. By the end of the evening, the points gained by each school were added together and the final positions were extremely close; Tirlebrook finished in second place overall in the competition. The team captains proudly went up to receive the runners up certificates and a huge round of applause. Congratulations to each and every one of the children who were involved. What an amazing achievement!

Squad: Jack Ballinger & Eleanor Dyball (captains); Hattie Akerman, Ava Baker, William Bethel, Owen Burford, Tilly Burton, Molly Clarke, Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Silas Fox, Julia Gardiner, Ewan Gosden, Luke Griffin, Oscar Guthrie, Alesha Haggath, Charlie Hancox, Keira Hancox, Zoe Hunt, Matthew Janes, Oliver King-Smith, Aaron Lyon, Isobel Mclaren, Chloe Messenger, Sophie Messenger, Elliott Parsons, Freddie Parsons, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Luke Sherbourne, Martha Simpson, Harriet Taylor, George Teasdale, Lilia Teasdale, Callum Trust, Leah Trust & Finlay Whittard


Tewkesbury Primary Schools' NFL Flag Football @ Tewkesbury Rugby Club - Thursday, 14th June 2018

Mr Lockley and Mrs Featonby accompanied three Tirlebrook teams at Tewkesbury Rugby Club as Tirlebrook competed in the inaugural Tewkesbury Primary Schools’ NFL Flag Football Competition. This event was something that the children had been working hard towards during our NFL Flag Football extra-curricular club. It was an exciting and unique experience, filled with many opportunities to learn new skills and develop our understanding of America’s number one sport. Sporting new kit donated by the NFL (we are now known as the Tirlebrook Cardinals, named after the famous franchise from Arizona), all three of our teams demonstrated great teamwork and great promise in their play as their performances improved dramatically throughout the afternoon. One of our teams managed to beat all of the teams in their division to make it through to the semi-final and then the final of the event. In the end, they were beaten by Gretton, meaning they finished as runners-up in the competition - a performance and result that they should be very proud of. Well done to Oscar, Freddie and Peyton for their superb efforts in captaincy and a big well done to all of the children who competed so positively. 

Squad: Peyton Bunce, Oscar Guthrie, Freddie Parsons (captains), Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Owen Burford, Matthew Fowler, Oakley Hiorns, Lewis Hughes, Matthew Janes, Elliott Parsons, Luke Sherbourne, Joshua Smith, Rhys Thomas, Callum Trust & Finlay Whittard


Gloucestershire School Games - Summer Games @ Hartpury College - Thursday, 14th June 2018

Nineteen Tirlebrook pupils headed over to Hartpury College to spend the day at the Gloucestershire Primary Schools’ Summer Games. The Gloucestershire Primary Schools’ Summer Games is the largest School Games event in the academic year and this year had over 700 children from 50 schools taking part. This event is a celebration of lots of sports and activities that have been going on across Gloucestershire this Summer Term and incorporates the county finals for Quad Kids athletics, mountain biking, archery, orienteering and the Panathlon Challenge, in which we had a team representing Tirlebrook. This was the first time that we had ever qualified for this event. The children participated in an assortment of unique activities that are unavailable in school, such as Boccia, New Age Kurling and Table Cricket, at a series of skills stations. Other activities included target-based games and the development of running, jumping and throwing skills. As well as having the opportunity to participate in this event, the children also had access to the School Games Summer Village throughout the course of the day where there were free interactive activities to try, including Zorb Football, Laser Shooting, Whittling, Face Painting, the Smoothie Bike, and many more. Many thanks to Mrs. Assheton, Mrs. Gosden and Mrs. Tyrrell for accompanying the children at the event and congratulations to the children for representing Tirlebrook so well.

Team: Amelia Blackwell, Tianna Booth, Ruby Butler, Summer Burton, Chloe Carroll, Amy Chaplin, Jaelynn Chaplin, Summer Connolly, Arthur Cook, Ellie Dallman, Amelia Flanders, Isabelle Hobson, Summer Mortiss, Porsche Parker, Leland Pratley, Harriet Taylor, Harrison Turner, Evie Walford & Lola Walker

GCB Kwik Cricket Tournament 2018 - Cheltenham Local Round @ Cheltenham Cricket Club - Monday, 11th June 2018

Congratulations to our Kwik Cricket team who headed over to Cheltenham Cricket Club to play in the GCB Local Round Competition … and won the entire event. This is a magnificent achievement. We were unable to take part in Tewkesbury this year due to a clash with our Y5 Malvern residential, so the task of playing was rather more daunting than usual as the children came up against 15 of the very best teams from across Cheltenham. On what was an extremely hot day, the team started brightly with an excellent win against Woodmancote and this trend continued throughout the round-robin group stage, with some excellent batting, bowling and fielding contributing to strong victories over St. James’s Primary and Swindon Village. Finishing top of the group meant that qualification for the knockout stages of the competition soon followed with a semi-final match against St. Gregory’s. This match was a much more tightly fought affair, with both teams showing some nerves, and when the scores were compared at the conclusion of the game, both teams had amassed 224 runs. Tirlebrook went through to the final by virtue of gaining one more of their opponents’ wickets. In the final, Warden Hill batted extremely well to reach 253 runs for the loss of just two wickets, despite some excellent Tirlebrook bowling and fielding. In response, the pressure was on to bat well and some excellent hitting towards the end of the innings, including 7 sixes and 4 fours, meant that Tirlebrook were crowned GCB Cheltenham Kwik Cricket Champions after amassing an incredible 270 runs. The team have qualified to take part in the GCB County Kwik Cricket Finals. The boys worked together incredibly and it was a truly outstanding team effort to finish as overall winners of this competition out of 16 schools altogether. We have nothing but praise for the commitment, skill and determination on display throughout and the batting, bowling and fielding was of an extremely high standard. However, as always, more importantly still, the teamwork, sportsmanship and general wonderful attitude demonstrated by our team is what really makes Tirlebrook stand out. We are very proud of what the boys have achieved but even more proud of the manner in which they carried it out. Many thanks too to Mrs. Assheton and Mrs. Gosden for their wonderful support and encouragement.

Team: Luke Sherbourne (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Oliver Slatter & Callum Trust


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's KS1 & LKS2 Mini Red Tennis Festivals @ East Glos Club - Friday, 8th June 2018

Four Y2 children and eight Y4 children took part in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's KS1 and LKS2 Mini Red Tennis Festivals at the East Glos Club in Cheltenham. The morning session saw the infant children competing. They worked hard to develop their tennis skills, including forehand shots and serving, and learnt a basic way of scoring the game. They enjoyed playing matches in a friendly spirit against a number of schools from across Cheltenham. Although the finals rounds were not reached, there was a definite improvement in the standard of play from all of the children as the festival progressed. Two children, Isaac Corless and Georgiana Curtis, were awarded School Games values bands for 'Passion' and 'Determination' respectively. The afternoon saw the turn of the juniors, with two teams representing the school. The Tirlebrook Blues drew both of their group games with some exciting close matches, whilst the Tirlebrook Reds won one and lost one. William Bethel, Joshua Smith and Leah Trust ended the afternoon with three wins apiece and just one defeat. Both teams narrowly missed out on the semi-finals and went on to play a number of friendly games before the presentations were made. Four further School Games values bands were awarded to Hattie Akerman (Determination), Zoe Hunt (Self Belief), Isobel McLaren (Teamwork) and Leah Trust (Respect). It was a great event and the children thoroughly enjoyed their tennis experience.

KS1 Squad: Isaac Corless, Georgiana Curtis, Jude Matley & Betsy Wedge

Tirlebrook Blues: Hattie Akerman, Oakley Hiorns, Joshua Smith & Leah Trust

Tirlebrook Reds: William Bethel, Zoe Hunt, Isobel McLaren & Finlay Whittard

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's KS1 Football Festival – Tuesday, 5th June 2018

Our Y1 class kicked off their new topic, ‘Football Frenzy’, by taking part in a football skills afternoon at Tewkesbury School. The event was organised through the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network. They were joined by a few other schools from across the town to work with some of Tewkesbury School’s Young Sports Leaders to develop a range of footballing skills. They completed a variety of activities at a range of stations. It was a fantastic afternoon and it was wonderful to see such great sportsmanship on display from all of the children.


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Y3 & Y4 Tri-Golf Festival @ Sherdons Golf Centre - Monday, 4th June 2018

Our Y4 class headed to Sherdons Golf Centre on the first day back at school after the half term break to take part in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network’s Y3 & Y4 Tri-Golf Festival. Split into three teams, the children were taught how to use a chipping club and a putter to participate in a selection of team challenges. There were six stations that each team visited to complete games including Dominoes, where accurate putts of increasing length were required, Bullseye, where chipped shots into target circles were the aim of the day and Drive For Show, Putt For Dough, a combination of both. At each station the teams were awarded points for their successful golf shots, encouragement, teamwork, respect and honesty. At the end of the festival, these points were totalled, and out of six teams, two of our groups finished in first and second place – what an incredible achievement - with our other team identified for their determination and resilience. Medals presented, the children turned to offer their grateful thanks to the organisers and to the excellent Tirlebrook young sports leaders who gave up their morning to run the event. It was a very successful morning all round. 

Squad: Harriet Akerman, William Bethel, Tianna Booth, Edward Bowes, Arthur Cook, Byran Cotton, Hayden Davis, Scarlet Dowding, Edward Ferrier, Matthew Fowler, Oakley Hiorns, Isabelle Hobson, Zoe Hunt, Daniyal Khan, Isobel McLaren, Freya Matley, Lily Moran, Freddie Parsons, Erin Pryce, Ayan Sharif, Joshua Smith, Rhys Thomas, Leah Trust, Harrison Turner, Evie Walford, Lola Walker & Finlay Whittard

Y6 Sports Leaders: Ava Baker, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball & Joseph Ferrier

Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Rounders Competition @ St. Edward's Junior School - Wednesday, 23rd May 2018

Tirlebrook competed in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Rounders competition in glorious sunshine at St. Edward's Junior School. The children were divided into two teams to participate in two pools, playing teams from around the Cheltenham area, with matches against Gretton, Grangefield, Winchcombe, Shurdington and Isbourne Valley, amongst others. Our school represented Tirlebrook and all of Tewkesbury superbly, as all of the children demonstrated a fantastically positive attitude. Both teams were extremely supportive of each other: cheering each other on as batters flew round the pitch to score rounders, patting each other on the back for great fielding skills and bravery, and the sharing of positive comments throughout. 

Both teams were very successful, winning twice and losing once during their pool games. They then went on to play a few friendly games. 

After their pool games, the Tirlebrook teams entered the next part of the competition. Due to some unfortunate complications with scoring and scheduling, one of our teams played against the winner of a different pool in error. Because of the respectful manner in which the team responded to this error and their subsequent ejection from the medal-winning matches, the children were each awarded a bronze Move More medal and mentioned specifically during the presentation. 

It is an amazing achievement to win a gold, silver or bronze medal but to be mentioned and awarded a medal for attitude is just a superb achievement that every child should be proud of. Tirlebrook are extremely proud of the children that represented our school. Both teams performed extremely well but it is the attitude on display that has truly shone. Well done Tirlebrook!

Team One: Oscar Guthrie (captain), Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Peyton Bunce, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Gracie Janes, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale & Callum Trust

Team Two: Elliott Parsons (captain), Ruby Butler, Alfie Cull, Izzy Fisher, Lewis Hughes, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Sophie Messenger, Bea Prosser, Martha Simpson & Anthony Zvarych


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's KS2 Archery Competition @ Tewkesbury School - Wednesday, 23rd May 2018

A group of Y5 and Y6 children took part in the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network’s Archery Competition held at Tewkesbury School. Eight teams entered from local primary schools, competing against each other at two different target stations, using both ‘Arrows’ and traditional archery equipment. The scores from both stations were accumulated and added together. Tirlebrook came in third place, with an impressive 890 points. It was a great event with the children demonstrating teamwork and a positive attitude. 

Squad: Martha Booth, Esme Burton, Joseph Ferrier, Paulina Kapron, Aoife Kelly, Lola O’Keeffe, Zuzanna Rudnicka, Maxwell Scott & Oliver Slatter


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's KS2 Archery Competition @ Balcarras School - Friday, 18th May 2018

Nine children from Years 4, 5 & 6 headed over to Balcarras School in Cheltenham to participate in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network’s Level 2 Archery event. The challenge across the afternoon was to score as many points as possible for the school team, firstly by playing some games using ‘Arrows’ archery kits and then secondly by shooting at the main target with a competition standard bow and arrow. The team were very encouraging of each other as they kicked off the event scoring 50 points using the ‘Arrows’ equipment. One of the challenges included shooting arrows through holes of decreasing size in the centre of targets into baskets behind – this was very challenging indeed. Following a short break, the children then had 15 arrows each to shoot with a competition bow at a target approximately ten metres away. Several children hit ‘golds’ as the team amassed an amazing 701 points. When combined with their earlier score, Tirlebrook’s 751 points ensured that they finished in third place overall and earned bronze School Games medals. This was a fantastic achievement and the children were very proud of what they had accomplished. Matthew Janes and Anthony Zvarych were also presented with School Games values bands, picking up awards for ‘Respect’ and ‘Honesty’ respectively.

Result: 1. Christ Church 811, 2. Prestbury A 803, 3. Tirlebrook 751, 4. Grangefield 744, 5. Holy Apostles 736, 6. Dunalley 733, 7. Prestbury B 699, 8. St. Gregory’s 684, 9. Gloucester Road 574

Squad: Alfie Cull, Hayden Davis, Isabelle Hobson, Matthew Janes, Elliott Parsons, Leland Pratley, Ayan Sharif, Luke Sherbourne & Anthony Zvarych

Tewkesbury Primary Sport Network's Y3 & Y4 Quad Kids Athletics Competition - Friday, 18th May 2018

Our Y6 class and a large group of Y3 and Y4 children took part in the Cheltenham & North Tewkesbury School Sports Network’s Quad Kids competition at Tewkesbury School. Our Year 6 class were amazing throughout the event, running all seven activity stations, comprising of standing long jump, obstacle relay, baton relay, speed bounce, vortex throw, 50m sprint and the 400m race, for all twelve competing schools. They measured, timed, controlled and demonstrated each activity within the competition. Our Y3 and Y4 representatives were organised into three teams of ten to participate. The children took part in a ‘virtual’ competition where, rather than competing directly against other schools, they moved around each station and completed each event alongside their team. Their individual performance was then recorded as a distance or a time and was entered into a central computer system, allowing every child’s results from every school to be compared to each other’s results. All of the children performed fantastically demonstrating not only a good skill level but a positive, determined and respectful attitude. Out of all of the schools at the event, one of our three teams achieved second position overall and a silver School Games medal. It was another fantastic result for Tirlebrook on a morning of sport, smiles and sunshine. Congratulations to all of our competitors and a huge thank you to Y6 for their efforts and support.

Participants: Harriet Akerman, William Bethel, Edward Bowes, Owen Burford, Tilly Burton, Byran Cotton, Matthew Fowler, Julia Gardiner, Ewan Gosden, Keira Hancox, Oakley Hiorns, Zoe Hunt, Ollie King-Smith, Daniyal Khan, Freya Matley, Isobel McLaren, Chloe Messenger, Lily Moran, Freddie Parsons, Erin Pryce, Bobby Rathbone, Maja Rudnicka, Joshua Smith, George Teasdale, Rhys Thomas, Leah Trust, Lola Walker & Finlay Whittard

Tewkesbury Primary Sport Network's Y3 & Y4 Football Competition - Tuesday, 15th May 2018

We were finally able to play the second leg of our match against Twyning in this year’s Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network’s Y3 & Y4 Football Competition. After a couple of cancellations earlier in the year, the sun came out to greet us on a very warm afternoon for playing football indeed. Following our first leg defeat, it was always going to be difficult to come back to win the trophy from a strong Twyning team, but our squad set out determinedly to attempt to do that, and at the very least the aim was to win the afternoon’s match so that the result would be drawn based on matches won. Tirlebrook’s terrific team took to the pitch with confidence and battled hard, played some delightfully impressive football and persisted with great resilience throughout the match. In what was a very even contest, Tirlebrook had more possession and more shots on goal, and ended up winning the forty minute game by three goals to two. In fact, it was only due to some outstanding saves from the Twyning goalkeeper that a larger winning margin for Tirlebrook was prevented. Matthew got on the score sheet first to claim a lovely opening goal, lashing the ball in from a rebound, before Rhys scored two great goals, the first a nifty back-heel and the other a powerful drive. These goals came from two fabulous assists by Finlay, the second of which was particularly impressive as he nodded the ball away from the defender and sped with the ball to the byline before delivering a delicious cross which Rhys pounced on to finish with aplomb. Joshua did his bit at the other end with some superb saves of his own in goal whilst William led the team excellently as captain. However, it was the teamwork, encouragement, team spirit and determination on display from all that impressed the most, and every player deserves to be recognised for their contribution and effort. Three School Games values bands were awarded for Respect, Honesty and Teamwork to Ollie, Owen and George respectively. Mrs. Assheton and Mr. Lockley are super proud of the team, and as they picked up their silver medals for finishing as overall runners-up in the competition, there was no shortage of delight on everyone’s faces. Well done everyone.

Squad: William Bethel (captain), Rhys Thomas (captain from leg one), Owen Burford, Edward Ferrier, Matthew Fowler, Ewan Gosden, Oakley Hiorns, Daniyal Khan, Ollie King-Smith, Freddie Parsons, Ayan Sharif, Joshua Smith, George Teasdale & Finlay Whittard


Heidi's Heroes Swimming and Celebration Event @ The Sandford Park Lido, Cheltenham - Friday, 4th May 2018

Local charity Heidi’s Heroes recently gave five Y5 children the opportunity to participate in some additional swimming sessions. Heidi’s Heroes was launched in 2013 as an ongoing and permanent tribute to Heidi Wood, a former world championship swimmer from Cheltenham, who died of cancer in 2012 aged 51. The additional swimming sessions involved the children swimming for thirty minutes every day across one week at Tewkesbury School during the first week back at school after the Easter break. The sessions were fully funded by the charity and they helped the children to develop their confidence and skills in the pool and to improve their standard of swimming. Following on from this, Heidi’s Heroes also arranged a Celebration Event that took place at the Sandford Lido in Cheltenham. Our pupils were amongst a number of other schools involved and had a wonderful time enjoying the facilities. They particularly enjoyed the slides and putting their swimming skills into practice. This special time was arranged to mark the achievements of our young swimmers and included ninety minutes of exclusive use of the pool as well as a presentation during which the children received certificates, badges and goodie bags, which included a brand new pair of goggles for each child, and a free family Lido entrance voucher for use in the future. It was an exciting opportunity and a reward for all of the children’s hard work. Many thanks to Mrs Gosden for accompanying them.


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sport Network's Panathlon Challenge - Friday, 4th May 2018

Tirlebrook was one of nine schools who participated in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury Sports Network’s Panathlon Challenge at All Saints’ Academy in Cheltenham. Nine children from Years 3, 4 and 5 made up our team, and on arrival each child was given a yellow t-shirt to participate in and to keep. The children took part in a round robin of activities, including popcorn parachute, curling, table cricket and beanbag darts, at nine different stations, accumulating points for our school. When all of the points earned by all of the schools were added together and collated, we were delighted to discover that Tirlebrook had scored the highest amount and that our team were the overall winners. The children were each awarded a gold medal as well as the school being given a trophy and a framed certificate. The team has also qualified for the county finals in June. All of the children demonstrated great teamwork and positive attitudes throughout and School Games values bands were awarded to Isabelle for ‘Teamwork’ and to Harrison for ‘Determination’. Many thanks to Mrs. Assheton and to Mrs. Tyrrell for accompanying the children at this year’s Panathlon Challenge. 

Squad: Amelia Blackwell, Tianna Booth, Summer Burton, Summer Connolly, Isabelle Hobson, Summer Mortiss, Harrison Turner, Evie Walford & Lola Walker

Inter-House Cross Country Races - Friday, 4th May 2018

Our KS2 classes have competed in another inter-house cross country race. In a slight change to previous races, the children competed in classes against their own year group. It is always fantastic to see how much each child has progressed with their running. They set their own personal goals and strive to achieve the best position that they can. Many children managed to make significant improvements! Our final race of the year will take place next half term. Well done to all of those who participated and a special thank you to every child that was kind and helpful, including our Y4 children who assisted Mrs Featonby with the Y5 and Y6 races. Thank you also to our Y6 class who helped out during the Y3 and Y4 races. 


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Y3 & Y4 Mini Red Tennis Festival - Thursday, 3rd May 2018

Twelve Y4 children took part in the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network’s Mini-Red Tennis Festival at Tewkesbury School. The festival involved four Tewkesbury schools: Tirlebrook, Tewkesbury C. of E., The John Moore and Twyning. Our children were very excited to participate - they could not wait to show off some of the tennis skills and tactics that they have been developing during class PE sessions. They were organised into mixed pair teams and each team competed in seven round robin doubles matches against pairs from each school, including playing some of their own classmates. The children competed exceptionally well and there was clear progress in the standard of play as the event went on. The children wore smiles throughout and felt extremely proud of their achievements. Three of our players were recognised and rewarded for their efforts with School Games bands. Joshua was awarded a ‘Self-Belief’ band, Freddie was given a ‘Teamwork’ band and Matthew received a ‘Passion’ band. Well done to all of our players and thank you to Mrs Featonby and to Mr Lockley for accompanying and supporting our teams.

Squad: Hattie Akerman, Matthew Fowler, Oakley Hiorns, Zoe Hunt, Isobel McLaren, Lily Moran, Freddie Parsons, Erin Pryce, Ayan Sharif, Joshua Smith, Rhys Thomas & Leah Trust

Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Mountain Biking Competition - Thursday, 26th April 2018

Eight children from Years 5 and 6 represented Tirlebrook in the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Mountain Biking Competition at Winchcombe Secondary School. Up against 16 teams from across Cheltenham, our two teams of four had to complete a tricky bike course in a relay in the quickest time possible, with these times being used to rank teams into overall positions that organised their final races. The children had to go around tight corners, up and down banks and also had the tricky transition from rider to rider to manage. Both teams put in excellent performances with the Y5 team doing particularly well, finishing in a strong time of 6 minutes and 11 seconds in 5th place overall, missing out on a chance to race in the final by just one second! They went on to win their ranked race comfortably. The Y6 team overcame a tricky first relay which included a couple of crashes into a post to come home in 7 minutes and 14 seconds, before finishing strongly to secure second place in their ranked race in 14th place overall. It was a great morning and an opportunity for all of the children to try something new as competing in this way was new to them all. Well done everyone!

Y6 Squad: Rachel Bagley, Oscar Guthrie, Elliott Parsons & Megan Sapkota

Y5 Squad: Oliver Butler, Izzy Fisher, Silas Fox & Poppy Radbourne

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Football League Round Two - Tuesday, 27th March 2018

Nine children from Years 5 and 6 took part in the second round of the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Football League competition. The first round of matches were played much earlier in the Autumn Term and all the schools played each other one more time. The children represented the school well; unfortunately Tirlebrook lost their first match 2-0 to Twyning ,however with a re-jig of formation bounced back to win 5-0 against Hopelands. After a short break the team then narrowly lost 1-0 to John Moore before going on a final undefeated run of 3 games: a 4-0 win against Queen Margaret's, a 1-1 draw with the eventual winners Tewkesbury C. of. E and a 2-0 victory over Mitton. This meant that four teams were all tied on the same amount of points; however our superior goal difference gained us second place in the league overall and the runners-up silver medals! The team spirit was great and they were led superbly by captain Callum Trust. Congratulations to Silas Fox who was also awarded a School Games values band for 'Passion'. Many thanks to Mr. Tomkins for accompanying the team.

Squad (over both rounds of the league): Callum Trust (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Matthew Janes, Alex Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Luke Sherbourne, Samuel Whatmore & Anthony Zvarych



School Games Spring Games - Level 3 County Finals in Netball and Quicksticks Hockey - Tuesday, 27th March 2018

What an incredible achievement! It was excellent to be able to take a team of netballers and a team of hockey players to represent Tirlebrook at the School Games Spring Games Level 3 County Finals at Cheltenham College. It has been such a successful time for Tirlebrook on the sporting front recently and qualifying for this event is the culmination of lots of hard work, commitment and enthusiasm from both the children and the staff. To have teams competing in two different sporting events at County Finals level (following six Tirlebrook representatives also achieving this feat at the Cross Country County Finals earlier in March) is just wonderful and puts our children in the top 10% in the county in terms of their sporting success. Both teams found themselves competing against the best netball and hockey teams from primary schools across the county, including league winners from Gloucester, Stroud, The Forest of Dean, Cirencester, The Cotswolds and Cheltenham. Our netballers performed valiantly and with outstanding effort; just missing out on the semi-finals after having won two matches and lost two. They achieved a great score against their first opposition, Primrose Hill, winning 8-0. This put our team in high spirits for their next game against Hempsted. Unfortunately, Tirlebrook were defeated 2-3, which gave them their first loss of the day. Their third game was extremely competitive and very close! Despite their hard work, Tirlebrook were again defeated 2-4 against Great Rissington, who ended up going through to the semi-finals, along with Hempsted. The final match of the day was against North Nibley, in which Tirlebrook picked up the pace, marked tighter and shot with greater accuracy. Tirlebrook ended their games with a well-deserved 4-3 success, with great goals from Jack and Lilia. The hockey team also performed with outstanding effort and demonstrated a superb attitude throughout their competition. Despite losing all four of their pool matches against Primrose Hill, Stow, Kingsway and Horsley, they never once gave up and represented Tirlebrook with wonderful positivity. In particular, there was some great defending from joint captains Harry and Bea and some lovely forward dribbles and passes by Gracie and Alfie. Both teams should be extremely proud of themselves. The hockey players can be extremely pleased with making it to the county finals after winning their group in the Level 2 competition in Cheltenham. And what a terrific season it has been for our netballers. Not only did they win the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball League and Cup, but they also defeated the winners of the Cheltenham League to qualify for the county finals, in which they won half of their games; what an amazing achievement and a fantastic netball season. So, to our county finalists ... you played brilliantly as teams, you demonstrated great resilience, determination and enthusiasm, and most importantly, you have been positive, polite and respectful throughout. We are extremely proud of you all. Well done.

Netball squad: Ava Baker (captain), Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Charlie Hancox & Lilia Teasdale

Hockey squad: Harry Clarke & Bea Prosser (joint captains), Rose Carey-Owen, Alfie Cull, Gracie Janes & Elliott Parsons


Tewkesbury Primary School's Fencing Competition - Monday, 26th March 2018

Earlier in the year, some of our Year 4, 5 and Year 6 children attended an after-school Fencing Club, led by Joe O'Hara. In order to use those new skills and to participate competitively, the children were invited to take part in Tewkesbury's first-ever primary school's Fencing Competition, participating alongside Ashchurch and Deerhurst & Apperley primary schools, held at Tirlebrook. Some of our children helped with umpiring, including Oscar and Peyton, who put themselves forward to umpire, despite being told they could not go through to the finals if they did so. The event began with the first set of matches for each pool. The winner of each pool then went on to play in the semi-finals. From Tirlebrook, pool winners were Ellie and Fraser. Ellie successfully defeated her opponent, but was unfortunately knocked out of the competition in the next round, securing a third place position in the competition overall. This meant that she went on to receive a bronze School Games medal. Fraser went on to compete in the final, where he fought well and landed many accurate hits on his opponent. However, ultimately he was defeated as his opponent managed to achieve five hits first. Fraser proudly accepted his silver medal and the runners-up position in the competition. The success did not stop there. Tirlebrook's team of fencers won the overall competition by gaining the most points. It was a new sport for our Tirlebrook participants to enjoy and they experienced great success. Many thanks to Mr. O'Hara for running the club and for organising the event and to Mrs. Featonby for arranging for it to be held at Tirlebrook and for organising the children.

Squad: Jack Ballinger, Peyton Bunce, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Ruby Butler, Ellie Dallman, Edward Ferrier, Joshua Glass, Oscar Guthrie, Fraser Lucking & Callum Trust 

Football Friendly v. Tewkesbury C. of E. Primary School - Monday, 26th March 2018

We were delighted to take up the invitation from our friends at Tewkesbury C. of E. to participate in a friendly football match, our second such opportunity this academic year. On a decidedly Spring-like afternoon, our team of seven took to the pitch with confidence, positivity and no shortage of endeavour. The first half was very close and both teams enjoyed equal amounts of possession and shots on goal. However, neither goal was breached and it remained 0-0 at half-time. In a match of very few clear cut chances, Tewkesbury C. of E. pulled away in the last minutes of the second half to win the match 3-0, scoring two late goals to add to a terrific strike that put them 1-0 up at the beginning of the second half as Tirlebrook's substitute-less squad began to tire a little. This score line was a little harsh on Tirlebrook who matched their opponents throughout, except in the goals department. The match was played in a friendly spirit and once more our team were a pleasure to accompany. Many thanks to Mr. Lockley and Mr. Tomkins for supporting the children with this opportunity.

Team: Harry Clarke (captain), Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Charlie Hancox, Alex Lucking, Elliott Parsons & Maxwell Scott


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Football Festival @ Prestbury St. Mary's - Friday, 23rd March 2018

It was great to be able to take a football team over to Prestbury St. Mary's Primary School to participate in this season's Cheltenham Football Festival. The team played really well and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to play together. They encouraged one another and showed determination, a super positive attitude, resilience and fantastic teamwork. Led brilliantly by captain Rachel Bagley, every player put 100% into the three matches, with the rosy red cheeks at the end of each game indicative of this. Aaron Lyon was particularly influential, winning tackles, making superb defence-splitting passes and consistently putting pressure on the opponents. Each game was closely fought, and despite the team not registering a single goal, the children were certainly competitive and the score lines did not truly reflect the close nature of each match. Defeats to Oakwood, Lakeside and Prestbury didn't dampen anyone's spirits and the team never gave up. There were some impressive moments of football too, from a towering defensive header from Eleanor Dyball to a wonderful point-blank save from Calum Pryce. Once more, it was a pleasure to accompany the team. Many thanks to Mr. Tomkins and Mr. Lockley for arranging this opportunity for the children and supporting them throughout the event.

Squad: Rachel Bagley (captain), Alfie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Megan King-Smith, Alex Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Elliott Parsons, Calum Pryce & Maxwell Scott 


County Netball Finals Qualifying Play-Off vs. Dunalley Primary School - Thursday, 22nd March 2018

Having been crowned Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network Netball League champions just a couple of weeks ago, Tirlebrook earned the right to play in the Level 3 School Games County Netball Finals Qualifying Play-Off versus the champions of Cheltenham, Dunalley Primary School. The winners of this match would progress to the School Games Spring Games County Finals at Cheltenham College. This was a great opportunity for the children to compete with another primary school from out of our local area. The match was competitive and the children's netball skills were challenged. Tirlebrook played extremely well, winning 3 out of 4 the quarters, despite rotating positions and shooting in a higher goal post. In the end, Tirlebrook beat Dunalley 11-4; a great success which meant the team then qualified for the Level 3 County Finals. Many thanks to Mrs. Featonby for coaching the team and to Mrs. Moysey, Mrs. Edwards, Mr. Lockley and all the parents who came along to support.

Squad: Ava Baker (captain), Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Lilia Teasdale


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Tag Rugby Festival @ Newlands Park - Wednesday, 21st March 2018

Tirlebrook headed over to Newlands Park with two teams as the only school representing Tewkesbury in the annual Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Tag Rugby Festival. The morning was spent competing in round-robin group stages against a number of schools from across the Cheltenham region. Our two teams played five matches each at this stage of the festival, with varying results. The older team, made up of players from Y6, won four out of five games, displaying excellent teamwork and some wonderful rugby skills as try after try was scored in victories against Prestbury St. Mary's, Andoversford, Swindon Village and Grangefield. They also played extremely well in a narrow 4-3 defeat to Winchcombe. Despite this, their excellent record helped them to qualify for the top-ranked knockout pool matches in the afternoon session. The younger team, made up of players from Y4, were participating in a festival at this standard for the very first time, and many of their opponents were teams made up of children from Years 5 and 6. Nevertheless, they were undeterred and put in a string of enthusiastic and determined performances, ending up drawing one match and losing four, although most of the matches were decided by the odd try (losing 2-1 to Leckhampton, 3-2 to Gretton, 4-1 to Christchurch, 4-0 to Warden Hill and drawing 4-4 with Winchcombe). Their performance was excellent and they encouraged each other throughout the event, improving performance-wise with each match. They qualified for a round-robin pool of matches in the second half of the festival. The afternoon brought some more excellent rugby to the fore, with the Y6 team playing with flair and composure as they won through each round of their top pool knockout group, defeating Winchcombe (who they had lost to earlier in the day), Bishop's Cleeve and Warden Hill, two by a golden try, to finish in first position in the festival overall out of an incredible 41 teams. This is a remarkable achievement. The Y4 team continued to play well in the afternoon, increasing in confidence as they picked up another draw against Grangefield (3-3) and lost narrowly to St. John's (3-2), Gretton (2-1) and Gardners' Lane (2-1). The end of the festival was a celebration of all that the children had achieved and the children were handed out RFU goodies. Leah Trust was picked out from the large number of participants for demonstrating the School Games value of 'Honesty', and a values band was presented to her by Gloucester Rugby's South African captain Willi Heinz. Overall, it was a terrific day and we are extremely proud of the children - their impeccable behaviour, their positive attitude towards their opponents and each other and their incredible effort in every rugby match was a delight to behold. Our children reflected the six School Games values during the festival from start to finish and the way they worked together as a team and supported each other was second to none. They never gave up, even when the matches were tough and at times they thought their opponents were playing unfairly or if decisions went against them. The children were a pleasure to accompany and they represented Tirlebrook wonderfully, something that we are of course accustomed to. Many thanks to Mrs. Assheton, Mrs. Gosden and Mr. Lockley for organising the event and for accompanying the children throughout the day. Congratulations!

Y6 Squad: Elliott Parsons (captain), Rachel Bagley, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Alfie Cull, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Callum Trust

Y4 Squad: William Bethel (captain), Hattie Akerman, Owen Burford, Matthew Fowler, Oakley Hiorns, Isobel Mclaren, Joshua Smith, Rhys Thomas, Leah Trust & Finlay Whittard


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball Cup - Tuesday, 20th March 2018

Our Y6 netball team headed over to Tewkesbury School to participate in the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball Cup Competition. After their recent achievement in winning the league, the team were enthused and excited to get back on court to see if they could emulate this success. They began the event well, winning their first match against Deerhurst 7-0. Jack and Lilia were a fantastic shooting team! Charlie and Ava also worked well, defending Deerhurst's attempts to score. Molly played centre during this game and she worked extremely well to keep the ball in our shooting third. Their success continued as they beat their next opponents, Mitton, 3-2. It was a competitive match, but the team were able to keep persevering. In the final few seconds, Tirlebrook were awarded a penalty, in which Charlie managed to score, giving Tirlebrook the win. The third match was against Tewkesbury C. of E. Ava and Lilia worked fantastically as the shooting team, scoring four times to defeat the opposition 4-1. Tirlebrook, having won every game, sailed through to the semi-finals, being pitted against the runners-up of Pool 1, The John Moore Primary School. The team were definitely challenged well during this game. However, due to hard work, effort and determination, the team fought their way to victory. The score by the end of the game was 4-1, which meant the team then qualified for the final and for a chance to win the cup. Twyning had also won their semi-final, meaning that they would be the team's opponents in the final. Tirlebrook worked extremely well together throughout the match, communicating well, utilising the space, moving onto the ball and trying their best to keep their defence strong. Their efforts most definitely paid off as they won the match 7-3. During the presentation at the end of the event, the team were awarded with the Tewkesbury Netball Cup and gold School Games medals for their superb achievement. Lilia was also picked out for demonstrating 'Self-Belief' throughout the competition and was awarded a School Games values band accordingly. Tirlebrook were well supported throughout the competition by an avid group of parents - thank you for your extremely valued contribution. Well done to the squad and well done to Mrs. Featonby for training the squad and accompanying them throughout this event. 

Squad: Ava Baker (captain), Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Lilia Teasdale


Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Quicksticks Hockey Event @ Pates Grammar School - Monday, 19th March 2018

On a freezing afternoon with wind chill reducing the temperature well below freezing, our two Quicksticks hockey teams ventured to Pates Grammar School in Cheltenham to compete in the annual Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury Quicksticks competition. Competing in teams of four, the children played schools from far and wide across the Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury District. No shortage of skill and determination was on display as the two teams battled through five rounds of matches. Once more, the teams experienced varying results. One team won all of their matches, including a fightback from 2-1 down to win 3-2 in a decisive match that clinched qualification for the School Games Level 3 County Finals in the process. The other team experienced a mixture of results that did not always reflect the magnificent teamwork and moments of individual brilliance on display. Both teams were competitive, determined and perseverant, but most importantly, they worked together excellently as a team. In the end, it was another fantastic event for the children of Tirlebrook!

Team One: Oscar Guthrie (captain), Harry Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Bea Prosser, Maxwell Scott & Luke Sherbourne

Team Two: Jack Ballinger (captain), Ava Baker, Molly Clarke, Charlie Hancox, Elliott Parsons & Callum Trust


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Tag Rugby Festival @ The Moat, Tewkesbury Rugby Club - Thursday, 15th March 2018

A wonderful celebration of rugby took place at Tewkesbury Rugby Club as two teams of Year 6s participated in the annual Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Tag Rugby Festival. It was a positively balmy spring evening amidst all of the current very cold weather that we have been experiencing, and the children took full advantage of it as they competed with six other schools from across the town. The two teams experienced varying results: one winning all of their matches convincingly against Twyning, Hopelands, Queen Margaret's, Tewkesbury C. of E., Mitton Manor and The John Moore; the other drawing one match and losing the remaining ones by the odd try. Importantly, the positivity, teamwork and enjoyment on display was consistent across both teams, as well as some excellent rugby skills. Indeed, some of the tries scored were simply scintillating. One of the absolute highlights of the event was at the very end of the Festival when the two Tirlebrook teams were able to play each other in the final match. As per RFU regulations, primary rugby is now non-competitive, so as the children gathered at the end to thank the organiser and the referees, they were also able to congratulate each other and feel extremely proud of themselves. Well done to Charlie and Oscar in particular who were noticed for their great attitude and were awarded 'Respect' and 'Honesty' School Games values bands in recognition of this. It was great to see the children enjoying playing, showing brilliant teamwork and demonstrating the excellent sportsmanship that we have become accustomed to here at Tirlebrook and of course are very proud of. Well done everyone - it was a great evening! 

Team One: Alex Lucking (captain), Rachel Bagley, Ava Baker, Harry Clarke, Joseph Ferrier, Charlie Hancox, Porsche Parker, Megan Sapkota and Maxwell Scott

Team Two: Elliott Parsons (captain), Jack Ballinger, Peyton Bunce, Molly Clarke, Alfie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Oscar Guthrie, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale & Callum Trust

County Cross Country Finals @ St. Edward's Junior School, Cheltenham - Saturday, 10th March 2018

Outstanding performances from all of Tirlebrook's runners at the County Cross Country Finals at St. Edward's Junior School in Cheltenham rounded off the Cross Country season in style. On a morning of mixed weather, the course, including a very steep and demanding ascent, was very heavy following the previous day's persistent rain, and this made the challenge of completing all 1.19 miles alongside the 80 elite runners representing eight different districts from across the county all the more difficult. The Y5 boys headed off first and Silas Fox was the first Tewkesbury boy home in a very impressive 16th place. Silas just missed out on qualifying to represent Gloucestershire in the National Finals in Leicester in April. Harriet Taylor gave her all in the Y5 girls' race, ending up as third Tewkesbury girl home. Charlie Hancox performed excellently in the Y6 boys' race whilst the trio of Ava Baker, Bea Prosser and Megan Sapkota were all determined finishers in the Y6 girls' race. Indeed, Ava crossed the line as the first returning Tewkesbury girl. It was a terrific experience for all of the children who pushed themselves to their absolute limits. It was great to see the children encouraging and supporting each other, including those running for the district from other schools. And the event was superbly supported by our Tirlebrook families. All in all, it was a very positive experience for every single one of them and they can all say that they have represented their district in cross country. Congratulations!

District Representatives: Ava Baker, Silas Fox, Charlie Hancox, Bea Prosser, Megan Sapkota & Harriet Taylor 


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Fun Run and Presentation - Thursday, 8th March 2018

It was a time of celebration for the Tirlebrook Cross Country team as they participated in the season-ending Fun Run at the Vineyards. The children took to the course enthusiastically, with the Y6 children showing great teamwork in particular by completing it in the form of the Conga. The presentations followed and it was a great time of success for Tirlebrook. Ten children qualified to represent the Tewkesbury District in the Cross Country County Championships, with three children picking up individual overall awards: Owen Burford (who performed outstandingly as a Y4 in his first season of cross country running) and Charlotte Peirce both finished in 7th position overall in their respective competitions and Silas Fox who ran superbly all season and with great consistency to achieve 2nd place overall in the boys' competition. Both competitions had in excess of 80 participants on a weekly basis so these are quite impressive achievements. Well done also to the other Tewkesbury District county cross country qualifiers: Ava Baker, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Bea Prosser, Megan Sapkota, Luke Sherbourne, Harriet Taylor & Callum Trust. In the team competition, the girls' squad finished in second place overall and the boys finished in first position for the first time in 10 years. When the girls' and boys' results were combined, Tirlebrook's cross country runners were ecstatic to pick up the overall Championship Shield for the first time since 2002. Now that is an incredible achievement. Well done everyone!

Girls' Football Tournament @ Mitton Manor Primary School - Thursday, 8th March 2018

Our football team headed over to Mitton Manor Primary School to compete in a locally organised girls' football competition. With Lilia leading the way as captain, the team gathered for a team talk before heading to the field. Their first game against Tewkesbury C. of E. was extremely competitive and there was some excellent defending on show. The team worked well together to win 1-0, with a goal scored from the captain herself, assisted by Charlotte and Molly. The girls went on to play Mitton, which ended in a draw, scoring 3 points for the team. Again, the defence was very strong, with Eleanor, Rachel and Megan blocking many of the opposition's attempts to make it down the pitch. As there were only three teams in attendance, each team then played each other again. Tewkesbury C. of E. avenged their defeat in the first round of matches, reversing the score line to win the game 1-0. This was despite more amazing defending from Peyton in goal and Porsche in defence. In their final match against Mitton, the girls showed excellent determination and teamwork, enabling them to gain a 4-0 win. This time the goals were scored by Lilia and Molly, who most definitely deserved a victory goal! At the end of the event, Tewkesbury C. of E. took the overall trophy, followed by Tirlebrook in second place and Mitton in third. Well done girls! The tournament was organised fairly and it ran smoothly, thanks in large to four of Tirlebrook's enthusiastic Young Sport Leaders: Jack, Oscar, Luke & Callum. They were responsible for refereeing each match, timing the games and keeping the scores. They were also extremely positive, sharing advice from the side line and cheering on the Tirlebrook team. Thank you to the boys for their fantastic contribution to the competition. They all did an amazing job.

Squad: Lilia Teasdale (captain), Rachel Bagley, Peyton Bunce, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Megan King-Smith, Porsche Parker & Charlotte Peirce

Young Sports Leaders (referees, timers, scorers): Jack Ballinger, Oscar Guthrie, Luke Sherbourne & Callum Trust


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball League Round 2 - Tuesday, 6th March 2018

Go for Gold!

Our netball team were raring to go at Tewkesbury School for Round Two of the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball League, a competition where several primary schools from around Tewkesbury compete for the Netball Shield. The squad played in Round One during the Autumn Term, winning all four of their games and securing joint first position with Hopelands at the half way point of the competition. During Round Two, Tirlebrook competed against the three remaining schools: Tewkesbury C. of E., Hopelands and Queen Margaret's. With High 5 rotations in play for the first time this season and two of the final three matches against teams at the top of the league, Tirlebrook knew there was a lot of hard work to do and were prepared for a tough challenge. However, due to outstanding teamwork, gritted determination and superb netball skills, the team won every single one of their matches on the night to add to their unbeaten record from Round One to be crowned Netball League champions. The first game against Hopelands was feisty and well-fought, but Tirlebrook were not prepared to back down. The game ended in a 3-1 victory, with goals from Luke and Lilia. The second match was against Queen Margaret's, where the team excelled and won 8-0, with goals scored by Charlie and Ava, who worked fantastically well together. The final match of the day was played against a strong Tewkesbury C. of E. team, a school who had also secured a good position in the league during Round One. Although it was a competitive match, our team glided through to victory, winning 6-1 thanks to some great play to set up our shooting pair of Jack and Eleanor. Despite winning the competition and not losing any of their matches along the way, our team accepted their shield with pride and grace. Well done to Lilia who was awarded a School Games values band for 'Passion', one member of a very committed and enthusiastic team. After a quick photograph and having said thanks to all of the organisers, the team celebrated together. Congratulations to our fantastic netball team who have most definitely earned their first place position.
Squad: Ava Baker (captain), Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Lilia Teasdale  

Feet First Dance Festival @ Cheltenham Town Hall - Tuesday, 27th February 2018

Nearly 50 children from our KS1 and KS2 dance groups put on their dancing shoes to showcase their talents at the annual Feet First Dance Festival at Cheltenham Town Hall. All of the children were in high spirits and danced with confidence in front of a packed audience. KS1 performed to a piece called 'Tears and Prayers', and the 13 young dancers did themselves proud dancing a high energy piece and finishing to the great applause of the audience. KS2 choreographed a dance to the popular song 'Symphony', showing great team work and a polished routine. Mrs Perry and Mrs Booth were both incredibly proud of what their dance groups achieved and so were the many families who attended to watch. Many thanks also to to Mrs. Tyrrell and Miss. Tyrrell for their wonderful support throughout the day and also to Mrs. Assheton, Mrs. Gosden and Mr. Lockley for transporting the children.

Feet First Participants: Rachel Bagley, Martha Booth, Owen Burford, Esme Burton, Tilly Burton, Elishia Caley, Olivia Camden-Hill, Lulu-Mai Casey, Peyton Catton, Amy Chaplin, Jaelynn Chaplin, Arthur Cook, Hayden Davis, Scarlet Dowding, Ava Ferneyhough, Izzy Fisher, Julia Gardiner, Katie Gardiner, Joshua Glass, Keira Hancox, Olivia Holtham, Layla Hookway, Zoe Hunt, Emmie-Grace Kavanagh, Aoife Kelly, Millie Kempson, Ellie Longney, Zayra Mboya, Isobel Mclaren, Lily Meakin, Chloe Messenger, Sophie Messenger, Lily Moran, Lola O'Keeffe, Charlotte Peirce, Maja Rudnicka, Martha Simpson, Isla Staines, Harriet Taylor, Evie Teasdale, Emily Till, Leah Trust, Frankie Vallender, Alexis Virgo, Martha Walden, Lola Walker, Hannah Whatmore & Lexi Wheeler


Severn Stars v Team Bath - Vitality Super League Netball @ University of Worcester Arena - Monday, 26th February 2018

A number of children and staff enjoyed the fantastic opportunity of going to watch the Vitality Super League Netball match between Severn Stars and Team Bath at the University of Worcester Arena. On arrival, the children were greeted by Sirius, the Severn Stars mascot, before joining in with the pre-match activities: some had their faces painted, some purchased programmes, merchandise and souvenirs, and some headed for the activities, such as testing reaction speeds and how high you can leap. Some children did all three! Once seated just four rows back from court side, the first of four quarters of highly entertaining and high quality netball began. Team Bath, boasting experienced England internationals like Kadeen Corbin and Eboni Beckford-Chambers, took an early lead, before the Severn Stars began to dominate. Indeed, the Stars led throughout the second and third quarters, with England international Eleanor Cardwell shooting consistently well and some impressive deflections, blocks and interceptions being made by the defensive pair of Phumza Maweni and Sam Cook. This continued to be the case until a frantic final quarter when the lead changed several times. Heart-breakingly for the Stars, Team Bath took the lead in the final minute and converted the winning shot with just five seconds remaining on the clock to close out a hard-fought 48-47 victory, the second time this season that the Stars have been narrowly defeated, having lost their season opener against Manchester Thunder by exactly the same score line. Despite their disappointment, the Stars players spent time signing autographs and having photos with the children - inspiring the next generation of young netballers and making many young fans incredibly happy. Two of these aspiring netballers, Tirlebrook Netball Club members Ava and Eleanor, seized the opportunity to shoot on court for thirty seconds in one of the intervals between quarters when given the chance and did so very successfully. Overall, it was another super Tirlebrook sports visit.

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Race 5 - Thursday, 22nd February 2018

Thirty children headed to the Vineyards for the final race of the season of the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Championships. It was another terrific turnout from Tirlebrook, with the other ten schools combined providing the remaining 142 runners. The boys headed off first and in another highly competitive race, Silas Fox crossed the line in second place for the fourth race in succession. Owen Burford (12th) and Luke Sherbourne (13th) were quickly followed by Charlie Hancox to the finish line as he equalled his season's best finish of 14th position, whilst Aaron Lyon was not too far behind in a personal best 17th position. Callum Trust ensured that six Tirlebrook boys finished in the top 25. There were also personal best performances from Maxwell Scott (44th), Oliver Butler (55th), Calum Pryce (56th), Harry Clarke (65th), Jack Ballinger (67th) and Byran Cotton (73rd), whilst Alex Lucking equalled his best finish of 70th place. All in all it was a great result for the boys to round off their season. The girls followed next and the race was just as competitive. Charlotte Pierce was the first Tirlebrook girl home, equalling her impressive 4th place finish from just before half term. She was followed by Ava Baker (13th), Bea Prosser (18th), Megan Sapkota (26th) and Molly Clarke (30th) into the top 30. It was another great effort from all of the girls and the determination displayed deserves great credit. We now await the results to see how the team has done over the course of the whole season and to see how many members of the Tirlebrook team have qualified to represent the Tewkesbury District in the County Finals on the 10th March. Fingers crossed!

Squad: Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Tianna Booth, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Chloe Carroll, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Byran Cotton, Eleanor Dyball, Edward Ferrier, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Isobel McLaren, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Calum Pryce, Megan Sapkota, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Samuel Whatmore & Finlay Whittard

Birmingham City Ladies v Manchester City Women - Wednesday, 21st February 2018

What a super opportunity some of our children in Key Stage Two took advantage of as we headed up to Birmingham to watch the FA Women's Super League match between Birmingham City Ladies and high-flying Manchester City Women. It was a very cold evening, and, making sure we were wrapped up warm, we took our seats at the AutoTech Stadium in Solihull to watch some of the best female footballers competing at the highest level. It was a highly anticipated match, with Manchester City having narrowly beaten Birmingham in the Women's FA Cup just four days earlier, and there were a number of international star players taking to the pitch, including Manchester City's Karen Bardsley, Jill Scott, Izzy Christiansen, Demi Stokes and Nikita Parris, and Birmingham City's top scoring England striker Ellen White. The Blues took the lead when Ellen White latched onto a loose ball and fired it in the back of the net. She then doubled the lead after the break, stabbing in Emma Follis' cross. The visitors could have reduced the deficit in stoppage time, but Jill Scott's powerful header came back off the bar, ensuring that Birmingham City kept a clean sheet and went away with a superb 2-0 victory. Title-chasing Manchester City fell to second in the table after their first defeat of the season, their first in any competition since May 2017, ending a run of 23 games without loss, of which they had won a remarkable 22. In between the action, scarves were purchased and hot dogs, burgers and cups of tea consumed. And we were all treated to some fantastic chanting from the Manchester City supporters in particular: 'She's big, she's blue, she's coming after you, Jill Scott', 'Izzy, Izzy (Christiansen), let's get busy', 'Esme, Esme, Esme, Esme, Esme, Esme, Esme Morgan (to the tune of No Limit)', 'She's big, she's blue, she's drinking Irn Bru, Jen Beattie,' and 'She's one of our own, Keira Walsh'. However, the real treat came at the end of the match as the children were able to grab a quick chat with some of the players, collecting autographs in their programmes and photographs along the way. Jill Scott, Karen Bardsley and Ellen White, with a total of 247 caps for England combined, were all happy to make the end to a great visit very special indeed.

Cheltenham and North Tewkesbury Schools Sports Network's Non-Stop Cricket Festival - Tuesday, 20th February 2018

Ten children from Year 6 attended Leisure at Cheltenham to take part in the Cheltenham & North Tewkesbury School Sports Network's Non-Stop Cricket Festival. The children participated in six matches in all and played amazingly well, only losing their first match to St. John’s. They followed that match with wins against Bishop’s Cleeve B, Oakwood, Andoversford, Bishop’s Cleeve A and Rowanfield. Every team member displayed the School Games values of ‘Teamwork’, ‘Determination’ and ‘Self Belief’ and five children were selected to receive values bands: Ellie Dallman for Passion, Zuzanna Rudnicka for Self Belief, Joseph Ferrier for Teamwork and Alex Lucking and Megan Bullock, both for Determination. The children thoroughly enjoyed their experience. Many thanks to Mrs. Assheton and Mrs. Gosden for accompanying the team throughout the day.

Squad: Megan Bullock, Amy Chaplin, Ellie Dallman, Joseph Ferrier, Amelia Flanders, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Porsche Parker, Elliott Parsons & Zuzanna Rudnicka


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Race 4 - Thursday, 8th February 2018

Over 30 of our children from Years 4, 5 and 6 competed in the first race of this year's Spring series of Cross Country races, with a great display of determination and effort. Many of our runners participated in the races before Christmas and it was wonderful to see them out at the Vineyards once more demonstrating such an eagerness to return to the course to compete. The twist in the tale for these races is that the course is reversed, and as well as being significantly longer, it also include a long steep climb in the middle of the race that is truly testing. The girls were the first runners off the mark, with Charlotte Peirce storming ahead of the group. The girls fought for their positions and finished the race brilliantly. Charlotte achieved a personal best of 4th place, followed closely by Ava Baker, Bea Prosser and Harriet Taylor who all finished in the top 16. The boys cheered on the girls wonderfully before taking to the start line themselves. Yet another tough race was completed and many of our boys, like the girls, showed great resilience all the way to the finish. Silas Fox secured 2nd position for the third time this season, but came agonisingly close to victory, with an amazing sprint near the finish line chasing down the leading runner falling just short. He didn't quite make it, but the determination and effort on display was quite amazing and it is certain that he will give it his best shot again next time. Owen Burford (9th) and Luke Sherbourne (11th) were the next boys home, battling all the way to the line in what was an incredibly competitive and tight finish. However, this event is not just about the quickest cross country runners. We are extremely proud of every single participant and we always watch with pride as the children take on such a difficult and challenging event. There are so many children who managed to beat their personal bests and gained higher positions than in the previous races. These included Charlie Hancox (14th), Aaron Lyon (20th), Joshua Smith (64th), Jack Ballinger (69th), Tianna Booth (70th), Oliver Butler (71st), Harry Clarke (72nd) and Joshua Glass (90th). Special mentions must be made of Alex Lucking, who improved by 25 places to record a personal best of 70th position, and also of Callum Trust, who, running after recovering from injury, completed the course confidently and with a great attitude, despite not being able to compete at the level at which he is used to. Well done also to our first-time competitors who all registered excellent positions for their very first race - Calum Pryce (61st), Chloe Carroll (68th), Edward Ferrier (77th) and Fraser Lucking (79th). Congratulations to all of our runners - your determination, resilience and enthusiasm are a pleasure to behold and we are looking forward to the final competitive race of the season after half term. We think you are all very much amazing!

Squad: Hattie Akerman, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Tianna Booth, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Chloe Carroll, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Edward Ferrier, Silas Fox, Joshua Glass, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Isobel McLaren, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Calum Pryce, Megan Sapkota, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Joshua Smith, Harriet Taylor, Lilia Teasdale, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Lola Walker & Finlay Whittard


Inter-House Cross Country Races - Monday, 5th February 2018

Our eager KS2 children quickly changed into their PE kits, before warming up for the first race of this year’s Inter-House Cross Country competition. The Year 6 Young Sport Leaders did a fantastic job warming up their house teams, before venturing to the start line. With enthusiasm, determination and great team spirit, the Year 5 and Year 6 children set off first. The first two runners set a high pace for the rest of the children as they sprinted to secure their places at the front. The Year 3 and 4 children cheered on their teams whilst waiting for their turn to compete. The Year 6 leaders created a brilliant warm up for the Year 3 and 4 children before they began to compete. All of the children had a great time. They cheered each other on, they held hands, they patted each other on the back and they all finished, gaining points for their house team. Thank you to all of the children who participated so positively throughout this experience.

Cheltenham Gold Cup Tour - Part Two - Monday, 5th February 2018

Our Y6 class were lucky enough to participate in The Cheltenham Gold Cup Tour organised by the Jockey Club. This visit was the second time that the prestigious trophy, which is worth over half a million pounds to the winner, had been on site at Tirlebrook during this academic year. The session helped the Y6 children to learn more about horse racing and the amount of work that goes on before, during and after an event. They had an ex-professional jockey talk to them about the discipline necessary to be a jockey as well as how actual race events work (with lots of mathematical links too!). Two members of the Cheltenham Racecourse team gave the class the opportunity and experience of riding on a mechanical horse, an equiciser, which was not easy! Every child also had the opportunity to raise the Gold Cup aloft and have their photograph taken, before receiving goodie bags and an invitation to join the Junior Jumpers, a section of the Jockey Club established especially for children and young people. This was a fantastic experience for all of our children and it is hopefully one that will stay with them for many years to come.

Tottenham Hotspur v. Manchester United - FA Premier League @ Wembley Stadium - Wednesday, 31st January 2018

A group of fifteen children were lucky enough to head to London for one of the highest profile FA Premier League fixtures of the season as Tottenham Hotspur took on Manchester United at Wembley Stadium. The children soaked up the atmosphere along Wembley Way and had their photograph taken in front of the Bobby Moore statue before taking their seats for this highly anticipated match-up. There was a wonderful array of talent on both sides including Paul Pogba, Harry Kane, David De Gea, Hugo Lloris, Romelu Lukaku and Dele Alli, and it was also the Premier League debut for former Barcelona and Arsenal front man Alexis Sanchez. In front of a Premier League record attendance of nearly 82,000 fans, Christian Eriksen sent Spurs on their way with the third fastest ever goal in the Premier League era, scoring after just 10.5 seconds as Tottenham took the lead directly from the kick-off. It was a great goal scored right in front of Tirlebrook's fantastic sixth and seventh row top tier Wembley seats. In a game in which Manchester United never really reached their potential, Tottenham went on to score a second through a Phil Jones own goal before seeing out the game comfortably. There was a mixed reaction from the Tirlebrook supporters, at least half of whom were rooting for Manchester United, including Mr. Tomkins, while several were supporting the home team, including Mr. Lockley. The children represented the school impeccably and we hope that it is an experience that they will have appreciated and will not quickly forget, whatever the result. Lots of sleeping on the minibus ensured a quiet return journey before pulling up back at school just after half-past midnight.

Level Two School Games Sportshall Athletics Competition - Wednesday, 24th January 2018

It was brilliant to have the opportunity to take 36 Y4, Y5 and Y6 pupils over to Tewkesbury School to take part in this year's Level 2 School Games Sportshall Athletics competition. Sportshall athletics is a fast-paced and entertaining event which brings all of the excitement of athletics indoors. With announcements over a loud speaker and funky music playing in the background, the atmosphere is as highly-charged as the competitive action. Our children threw themselves into competition against 10 other teams as they competed for the right to qualify for the county finals. Teams competed in track events whilst individuals completed field events. All results are timed or measured and then entered into a database to receive a score. The track events included a variety of relays, with one of the favourites being the obstacle challenge with hurdles, a high stepper, a speed bouncer and reversaboards. Individual field events were the chest push, vertical jump, speed bounce, javelin throw, standing long jump and technically advanced standing triple jump. Our three teams pushed themselves to run faster, throw further and jump longer and higher than they ever have done so before, and some of our team even helped out another school who were short on numbers. The team spirit and effort on show was remarkable and every child can be proud of the way they represented Tirlebrook. After all of the points across all of the heats were added up, our three teams finished 3rd, receiving Bronze School Games medals, 5th and 9th overall - a fabulous achievement. Several children were also recognised for demonstrating the School Games values and were awarded bands: Oscar Guthrie (Self Belief), Freddie Parsons (Self Belief), Oakley Hiorns (Respect), Elishia Caley (Passion) and Matthew Janes (Honesty). Well done to everyone for a super afternoon of indoor athletics!

Results: 1st Gretton; 2nd Grangefield; 3rd Tirlebrook 1; 4th Holy Trinity Cheltenham; 5th Tirlebrook 2; 6th St. John's Cheltenham; 7th Twyning; 8th Mitton; 9th Tirlebrook 3; 10th Gloucester Road Primary; 11th Deerhurst & Apperley

Squad: Oscar Guthrie & Megan Sapkota (captains), Rachel Bagley, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Edward Bowes, Peyton Bunce, Owen Burford, Elishia Caley, Molly Clarke, Alfie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Silas Fox, Charlie Hancox, Oakley Hiorns, Zoe Hunt, Matthew Janes, Paulina Kapron, Aaron Lyon, Isobel Mclaren, Elliott Parsons, Freddie Parsons, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Calum Pryce, Poppy Radbourne, Luke Sherbourne, Harriet Taylor, Lilia Teasdale, Rhys Thomas, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Lola Walker & Finlay Whittard 

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Swimming Gala - Friday, 19th January 2018

Two teams of swimmers headed over to Tewkesbury School to take part in the annual Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Swimming Gala. Participating in a range of races including one length and two length races of front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke, relays and fun events such as stylish dive and the largest splash, our two teams set about the challenge with great positivity and team spirit. There were some exceptional performances with lots of second and third-place finishes, as well as a win in the stylish dive event for Gracie Janes and a first position overall to Charlie Cull in the one-length breaststroke. Tirlebrook's two teams finished in third and seventh position out of eight teams overall and were delighted with their performances. Congratulations to Rachel Bagley and Amelia Brookes who were awarded School Games values bands for Determination and Self Belief respectively.

Squad: Rachel Bagley, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Amelia Brookes, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Gracie Janes, Bea Prosser & Calum Pryce


Tottenham Hotspur v Brighton & Hove Albion @ Wembley Stadium -  FA Premier League - Wednesday, 13th December 2017

Despite the snow and incredibly cold conditions, a brave group of fifteen children headed to the national stadium in London to visit the temporary home of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club as Spurs took on Brighton & Hove Albion in the FA Premier League. A strong Spurs squad included many high-profile footballing superstars, including Christian Eriksen, Dele Alli, Hugo Lloris, Jan Vertonghen, Eric Dier, the ever-popular Heung-Min Son and prospective England captain Harry Kane. It was also great to see newly-promoted Brighton’s team performing, including their talismanic highly-rated winger Anthony Knockaert. Tottenham predictably dominated possession in front of a 55,000 strong Wembley crowd, and ended up winning 2-0, with goals at the end of each half from Serge Aurier (a wonderful effort from an impossible angle) and the vibrant and ‘full of endeavour’ Son. The long trip to London and back was more than worth it for the children, many of whom were visiting Wembley Stadium for the first time, having sat in wonderful fourth row top tier seats to watch an FA Premier League game, again for many, for the very first time. Merchandise and programmes purchased, and a few hot chocolates consumed along the way, it was another special experience for Tirlebrook.

Y3 & Y4 Inter-House Football Competition - Tuesday, 5th December 2017
On Tuesday afternoon, the Year 3 and 4 children gathered together to compete in their annual Inter-House football competition, despite the chilly winds. A group of our Year 6 Young Sport Leaders, including Jack, Molly, Luke, Charlie, Harry, Eleanor, Callum and Max, demonstrated fantastic leadership skills throughout the afternoon as they led house groups, refereed games, kept up with the scoring and organised and managed the teams. The participants had a brilliant time! Each game was filled with teamwork, determination and self belief and it is excellent to report that there were extremely positive attitudes consistently on display. Each house team worked extremely hard and worked together well to try and win points for their house group, scoring 3 points for a win, 2 points for a draw and 1 point for a loss. This enabled each team to achieve points for their team. It was great to watch each team win and lose gracefully, as well as shaking hands at the end of each game to show respect towards each other. Children were tumbling to the floor, diving for the ball, and still, they got back up showing the resilience embodied in the Premier League Primary Stars message of 'try and try again!' The scores from the competition will be combined with the Year 5 and 6 Inter-House football competition that took place previously so that we will be able to present the football Inter-House Cup to this year's champions. Congratulations to all of the children in KS2. They have been superb both in performance and attitude!

Y5 & Y6 Inter-House Football Competition - Tuesday, 28th November 2017

Rowan and Elder classes enjoyed an afternoon of football as we headed over to Tewkesbury School’s all-weather pitch to hold our annual Inter-House Football Competition. It was great to see everyone joining in and giving it their best – there were great shots, impressive blocks, fantastic passes, imperious tackles, well-worked goals and super saves on display and everything in between too! The children represented their houses admirably and there was such fantastic team spirit on display. It was especially pleasing to hear so many positive comments after the event, particularly from those children who would perhaps not usually choose to play football either competitively or for fun both inside and outside of school. The results of the competition will be combined with those from this week’s Y3 & Y4 competition to decide who will be this year’s Inter- House Football champions.

Tirlebrook Staff Team Gloucester 10k for Breast Cancer Now - Sunday, 26th November 2017

Mr Lockley, Miss Streeter, Mrs Jones and Mr Perry all took part in the Gloucester 10k race in Quedgeley, participating to raise money for the Breast Cancer Now charity in honour of Mrs Plant. There were 'personal bests' all round as they completed the course in near perfect running conditions (despite the very cold start to the day!). Thanks to your support and the support of the wider community, donations made to the team's Just Giving page have exceeded the £250 target. Congratulations to our whole school community for getting behind this fantastic cause. We continue to send our love and best wishes to Mrs Plant, offering her our 100% support as she bravely continues her battle with cancer.


Cheltenham Gold Cup Tour - Thursday, 23rd November 2017

What a privilege it was for our Year 4 class as staff from the Jockey Club and Cheltenham Racecourse visited Tirlebrook as part of this year's Cheltenham Gold Cup Tour. It was a brilliant morning. The Year 4 children and staff truly experienced what life is like for a jockey and learnt a huge amount about horse racing. The children got to try on jockey silks and had the wonderful opportunity to receive some professional jockey training using 'equicisers'. They also received an extremely informative classroom talk, 'Goody Bags' and the invitation to join up to the Jockey Club as Junior Jumpers. To round it all off, each child had the chance to hold the Gold Cup aloft. We are extremely grateful for this opportunity and the children engaged with it with enthusiasm and great respect. What a brilliant visit!

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Y3 and Y4 Football League Round 1 - Tuesday, 21st November 2017

Just two teams were present for the opening round of this year's Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Y3 and Y4 Football League held at Tewkesbury School. So it was decided to have one long match of forty minutes between the two, Tirlebrook and our opponents Twyning. It was the first outing of our new kit and the children looked extremely smart. It was a fascinating match with many many chances throughout. There was plenty of excellent football on display: slick passing, great saves, long shots, strong tackling and some fantastic goals. Ultimately, Twyning proved to be a little stronger on the day, winning by 13 goals to 5, although this doesn't really reflect quite how close the game was. It was one of those days where some of our opportunities would just not go in the net! Our goals were scored by Rhys x2, Finlay x2 and Joshua. Most importantly, our fantastic players represented the school brilliantly. Their great sportsmanship, enthusiasm and positivity, coupled with determination and a 'never giving up' attitude, was wonderful to see and we are certainly very proud of them all. At the end, the two teams cheered and shook hands, before three players were awarded School Games values bands: Matthew Fowler for Respect, Joshua Smith for Passion and Finlay Whittard for Self Belief. We look forward to returning in the new year for the second round.

Squad: Rhys Thomas (captain), William Bethel, Owen Burford, Edward Ferrier, Matthew Fowler, Freddie Parsons, Ayan Sharif, Joshua Smith & Finlay Whittard


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Football League Round 1 - Tuesday, 21st November 2017

A team consisting of four children from Year 5 and four children from Year 6 headed over to Tewkesbury School to play in the first round of this year's Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Football League. The team really gelled well and were each individually a valuable part of the whole team in every fixture. The team played six games in all which each lasted 7 minutes in length. Tirlebrook tasted victory in all but one of the games: recording, in order (goal scorers in brackets), a 3-0 win against Hopelands (Luke x2, Callum);  a 1-0 victory over Mitton (Silas); a 1-0 victory over Tewkesbury C.of.E (Luke); a 2-0 win against Gretton (Sam, Luke); a 1-0 defeat against Twyning and a 1-0 victory over The John Moore (Luke). These results have set the team up to be in a very strong position for the second round of matches, when they will play each school again in the same format and ultimately try to become the champions of Tewkesbury for 2018. Jack Ballinger was deservedly awarded a School Games values band for Teamwork; however, the School Games values were displayed by every squad member. The team represented the school brilliantly and the school staff are very proud of their wonderful attitudes, display of footballing skills and overall team ethic. Well done! 

Squad: Callum Trust (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Matthew Janes, Luke Sherbourne, Samuel Whatmore & Anthony Zvarych 


England v Brazil @ Wembley Stadium - Tuesday, 14th November 2017

A group of fifteen children visited Wembley Stadium to watch England take on Brazil in an international friendly match. For many, it was their first ever visit to the national stadium, and what an occasion it was, with over 85,000 other people also in attendance. The Brazilian fans were in good voice and their samba-style drumming throughout added to the great atmosphere created by the predominantly England-supporting crowd, who waved flags and sang their familiar chants. Some of the best players in the world were on the field of play and it was a real privilege to see wonderful players such as Phillipe Coutinho, Gabriel Jesus, Dani Alves, Marcelo, Casimero, Marcus Rashford, Kyle Walker and Eric Dier up close and personal from our second row seats in the top tier. What a view! And a special opportunity it was indeed to witness the most expensive player on the planet in Neymar Jr. whose sublime touch and exquisite vision and passing was on display throughout the ninety minutes. The 0-0 score line did not reflect the excitement of the match, and although England were under strength and the Brazilians probably not at their free-flowing flamboyant very best, the football was entertaining and the whole experience was one to remember. Our children can be very proud of the way they represented Tirlebrook throughout the visit and they were all rewarded with a nice snooze on the minibus on the way home.

Active Gloucestershire Daily Mile Celebrations @ Cheltenham Racecourse - Monday, 13th November 2017

Exciting news! Tirlebrook is one of just nine schools from across the county that has been recognised for our work in establishing the Daily Mile, also known as the Tirlebrook 10, as part of our daily routine. Alongside Callowell in Stroud, Primrose Hill in Lydney, Holy Trinity in Cheltenham, Powell's in Cirencester, The Shrubberies in Stonehouse, Longney in Gloucester, St. Lawrence in Lechlade and Woolaston also in Lydney, we were invited to take part in a special celebration event at Cheltenham Racecourse to reward the commitment and effort of our children as well as being recognised for the impact that this initiative is having at Tirlebrook. What an amazing opportunity and what a privilege to be part of it! Ten of our Key Stage Two children, chosen for their regular committed attitude towards the Tirlebrook 10, accompanied by Mrs. Gosden and Mr. Lockley, were welcomed at the Hall of Fame where they met Old Spot before being presented with certificates to acknowledge their efforts. The group then headed out to the area in front of the main grandstand to take part in the Daily Mile. It was great to see children and staff from all of the schools mixing together - the Daily Mile is a great social opportunity as well as being that dedicated time every day to raise the heart rate and get fit. If participating in this in front of the main grandstand wasn't magnificent enough, to then be guided on a wonderful tour of the Cheltenham Racecourse site and to visit all those places that most people just don't get to see was such a privilege. The tour included the stables, rather like an athletes' village, the weighing room and changing rooms, the parade ring and winner's enclosure and of course, a visit inside the new grandstand, including time spent in the magnificent Royal Box. Most people would never have the opportunity to see or experience any of this. And to top it all off, the chance to be photographed with the world famous Gold Cup concluded the day spectacularly. The children were also really grateful to be given sponge horses as mementos of the day. It is great to see that Tirlebrook is being recognised for our efforts as we continue to promote positive, healthy lifestyles every day.
Tirlebrook representatives: Peyton Bunce, Owen Burford, Silas Fox, Julia Gardiner, Ewan Gosden, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne, Harriet Taylor, Leah Trust & Finlay Whittard

ESFA Large Schools' Football Tournament - Wednesday, 8th November 2017

Members of Y5 and Y6 combined forces to represent Tirlebrook in the English Schools' Football Association (ESFA) cup competition held at Tewkesbury School. Schools from across Tewkesbury were invited to compete in a tournament, with the winners going through to a further county level competition in December. Despite a thrilling 3-3 draw with Tewkesbury C. of E. Primary School and a dominant 1-0 victory over the John Moore Primary School, Tirlebrook finished as runners up in the competition, losing out on top-spot by the narrowest of goal difference margins. The children showed great teamwork and determination and created numerous chances in both matches, but unfortunately it was not to be our day. In between the ESFA competition matches, a friendly match was arranged with Queen Margaret's Primary School which Tirlebrook won comfortably. The squad went home with silver runners-up School Games medals and Silas Fox was awarded a School Games values band for Teamwork. Many thanks to Mr. Tomkins and Mrs. Gosden for accompanying the team.

Squad: Callum Trust (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Matthew Janes, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale and Anthony Zvarych


Football Friendly v Tewkesbury C. of E. Primary School - Thursday, 19th October 2017

Our Y5 and Y6 footballers headed to Tewkesbury C. of E. to take part in a friendly match on a wet and windy afternoon. Despite a dominant first half performance, Tirlebrook entered the half-time break with the score even at 1-1, thanks to a wonderful team goal that was coolly finished by Luke Sherbourne. The second half saw a similar level of Tirlebrook domination, but this time dominance was converted to goals as six were scored without reply, resulting in a 7-1 victory. A hat-trick for Silas Fox, a further goal for Luke Sherbourne, and one each for Samuel Whatmore and Elliott Parsons put the match well beyond Tewkesbury C. of E., who never gave up. The entire performance was one that the squad could be proud of - with determination, teamwork and a super positive attitude on display throughout. Captain Callum Trust embodied this attitude in a Man of the Match display in the centre of midfield. Overall, the match was played in a good spirit and it was fantastic to see the School Games values clearly evident in the attitude and performance of the Tirlebrook team.

Squad: Callum Trust (captain), Jack Ballinger, Silas Fox, Oscar Guthrie, Matthew Janes, Aaron Lyon, Elliott Parsons, Luke Sherbourne, Samuel Whatmore & Anthony Zvarych


Gloucester Rugby Tag Rugby Festival @ The Moat, Tewkesbury - Thursday, 19th October 2017

To celebrate the end of their tag rugby coaching sessions, Year 4 were invited to take part in a tag rugby festival organised by Gloucester Rugby, held at Tewkesbury Rugby Club. The festival involved many primary schools from around Tewkesbury and Cheltenham, and despite the very wet weather, the children participated with high spirits and enthusiasm. The class was split in two and each squad, managed by Miss. Featonby and Mrs. Tyrrell, participated in a pool where they were required to compete against the other participating schools. Miss. Featonby's team began really well, as they defeated their first opponents, Tewkesbury C. of E., by 4 tries to 1. However, their second game ended in defeat. Although they played brilliantly and remained positive, they were narrowly defeated by a score line of 2 to1 by Holy Apostles from Cheltenham. In their third and final game, the team responded positively to their defeat in the second match to record a 3-2 win against John Moore. Mrs Tyrrell's team also played fantastically well, even though they ended up losing both of their matches. There was a huge amount of teamwork, determination and self belief on show. It was evident throughout the festival that Gloucester Rugby's coaching sessions were a great success as so many of the children have demonstrated such amazing progress. It was a great opportunity for the children to put their new skills to the test and if the competition wasn't testing enough, the weather certainly was, and it required great resilience to participate so positively. Overall, it was another very successful event for our Year 4 class, yet another exciting and memorable event for our school and more importantly, another enjoyable and rewarding experience for our children.

Football Friendly v Ashchurch Primary School - Monday, 16th October 2017

A combined Y5 and Y6 team headed to Ashchurch to represent Tirlebrook in the first friendly football match of the season. Despite some extremely blustery conditions, the team worked hard to put into action the skills they have been developing at Football Club, and at times they combined well to produce some entertaining football. The attitude on the pitch was always positive and the teamwork on show was certainly encouraging. There were some excellent individual performances too, particularly from Charlie Hancox in defence and Anthony Zvarych in goal. Ashchurch proved to be just too strong on the day and ended up winning the match convincingly by three goals to nil. The match was played in good spirit and the Tirlebrook team can be proud of the determination they displayed. Well done!

Squad: Molly Clarke (captain), Harry Clarke, Silas Fox, Charlie Hancox, Matthew Janes, Alex Lucking, Fraser Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Leland Pratley, Maxwell Scott, Samuel Whatmore & Anthony Zvarych


Netball Friendly v Ashchurch Primary School - Monday, 16th October 2017

Members of Tirlebrook's Netball Club performed brilliantly in a second friendly match to take place against Ashchurch School in a week. Even though some children have only just started to play the game competitively, it is clear that their netball skills and awareness of the game are quickly developing. The match took place over four quarters, throughout which all players swapped places on court, challenging themselves to adapt to the different demands that each position presents. In the end, after many goals scored by Elliott, Luke, Izzy and Jack, the score was 11-0 to Tirlebrook. It was another successful result for Tirlebrook and more importantly, another fantastic opportunity for our children to explore, enjoy and excel! Well done!

Squad: Jack Ballinger, Esme Burton, Rose Carey-Owen, Izzy Fisher, Elliott Parsons & Luke Sherbourne 

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Race 3 - Thursday, 12th October 2017

The final race of the Autumn season of the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country competition was another successful one for Tirlebrook's enthusiastic team of runners. Once more the team performed brilliantly well, yet more importantly, it was so encouraging to see many of the children running not only with great determination, but also with huge smiles on their faces. It is a real achievement to keep pushing yourself to go further and faster week after week and as each child completed the course and crossed the finish line, teachers and parents alike looked on with huge pride at their achievements, but most importantly, at the attitudes on display. The boys raced first with Tirlebrook's best-placed finishers being Silas Fox, second for the second week in succession, Owen Burford, with a season's best 7th placed finish and Luke Sherbourne, who equally produced his season's best in 11th position. Of the 22 that raced, 8 achieved season's best performances, including Luke and Owen. Charlie Hancox improved by eight places to finish in 16th, whilst there were also improvements from Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Oliver Butler, Rhys Thomas and Daniyal Khan. The girls came next and the race provided great excitement at the finish as many competed strongly along the home straight. Charlotte Peirce battled to a season's best 8th place with a storming finish, followed closely by the highly consistent Ava Baker (10th) and the improving Harriet Taylor (15th). Further girls made season's best finishes including Leah Trust, Hattie Akerman, Rose Carey-Owen and Hayden Davis. Credit must also be given to Lola Walker who fell during the race but showed great determination to complete the course. In the team standings, Tirlebrook head into the winter break in first position in the boys' team event, in second position in the girls' team event and in first position overall. Well done everyone for a superb start to the season - we are very proud of you all.

Squad: Hattie Akerman, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Tianna Booth, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Rose Carey-Owen, Byran Cotton, Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Hayden Davis, Eleanor Dyball, Silas Fox, Joshua Glass, Charlie Hancox, Oakley Hiorns, Matthew Janes, Daniyal Khan, Alex Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Isobel McLaren, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Megan Sapkota, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Joshua Smith, Harriet Taylor, Lilia Teasdale, Rhys Thomas, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Lola Walker, Samuel Whatmore & Finlay Whittard

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Netball League Round 1 - Tuesday, 10th October 2017

Our school netball team have started the new season brilliantly, winning all of their games in Round 1 of the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's annual Netball League. Tirlebrook's first opponents were Twyning, who were defeated by 7 goals to nil. John Moore were up next and whilst both teams battled competitively and performed to a high standard, Tirlebrook gained another win with the final score being 4-1. The goal scored by John Moore in that match was the only one to be conceded on the night. The team continued to grow in confidence and their play was becoming stronger and more cohesive. Tirlebrook's final two games were against Mitton and Deerhurst. The team emerged victorious in both matches, defeating Mitton 6-0 and completing a 10-0 win against Deerhurst. In addition to these superb results, two of our players were also awarded School Games values bands: Ava Baker, team captain, was awarded the band for Teamwork and Eleanor Dyball received a band for honesty. Overall, our Netball League Round 1 competition was a great success. Every player in the squad demonstrated exceptional teamwork and were constantly encouraging and supporting each other. We look forward to building on this encouraging start in Round 2 of the competition after Christmas.

Squad: Ava Baker (captain), Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Lilia Teasdale


Netball Friendly v Ashchurch Primary School - Monday, 9th October 2017

Our netball team prepared themselves for their first competition of the year with a warm-up friendly against Ashchurch Primary School. The atmosphere was brilliant and the children on both teams demonstrated a variety of the School Games values and sportsmanship. The match was played in four quarters, during which all of the players happily swapped positions. By the end of the game, Tirlebrook had defeated Ashchurch, with the final score being 15-0. Tirlebrook’s defence and marking were superb! They managed to intercept the ball many times, using teamwork and communication to great effect. Congratulations on a game well played. 

Squad: Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Charlie Hancox, Luke Sherbourne & Lilia Teasdale 

ESFA Girls' Football Competition @ Prestbury St. Mary's, Cheltenham - Friday, 6th October 2017

An enthusiastic team of footballers ventured over to Prestbury St. Mary's School in Cheltenham to compete in this year's ESFA Girls' Football Competition. The team were involved in three games, winning two of them: 4-1 against Swindon Village and 3-0 against Gotherington. The final match was against Holy Apostles and the girls were pushed to their limits with the match ending in a 3-0 defeat. They were unlucky not to make it through to the final stages of the tournament. The determination and passion on show was superb and the team were a real credit to our school. Well done to all and thanks to Miss. Featonby and Mrs. Gosden for their support.

Squad: Rachel Bagley, Peyton Bunce, Molly Clarke, Eleanor Dyball, Megan King-Smith, Porsche Parker, Charlotte Peirce & Lilia Teasdale


Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Race 2 - Thursday, 5th October 2017

It was great to witness another terrific week of running by the Tirlebrook cross country team as 35 boys and girls headed to the Vineyards to compete in Race 2 of this year’s event. Dealing with slightly windier conditions, the children took to the course with enthusiasm, all determined to put in their personal best performance. Many children improved on their finishing position from the previous race, this being particularly impressive as there were more runners taking part overall. The girls' race was very close from a Tirlebrook perspective, with a very strong finish from Ava Baker ensuring that she crossed the line in 11th place as first girl home, just one place ahead of the equally fast-finishing Bea Prosser in 12th. In the boys' race, there were top ten finishes for Silas Fox, who improved on last week's fantastic run to cross the line in second-place, and Owen Burford, improving from 11th to 8th. Callum Trust and Luke Sherbourne came in 11th and 13th places respectively, ensuring four boys finishing in the top 13 for the first time ever. It was also great to see some girls and boys improving on their previous performance, including: Charlie Hancox (+2), Harry Clarke (+3), Alex Lucking (+4), Lilia Teasdale (+5) and Byran Cotton (+5). There were some tremendous results from several children, improving their finishing position hugely. Megan Sapkota finished 11 places higher, whilst Joshua Smith managed to improve by 15 places. Aaron Lyon was even more impressive as he improved by 17 places to finish in 25th position and Finlay Whittard managed to knock a huge 21 places off his finish when he came in 41st. The girls currently lie in second place in the team standings, with the boys holding first position in their competition. What a great achievement! We hope that the children will continue to demonstrate such a positive attitude throughout the remainder of the season. Well done everyone and ‘Good Luck’ in the final race of the Autumn season.

Squad: Hattie Akerman, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, William Bethel, Tianna Booth, Owen Burford, Rose Carey-Owen, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Byran Cotton, Alfie Cull, Charlie Cull, Hayden Davis, Eleanor Dyball, Silas Fox, Joshua Glass, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Oakley Hiorns, Matthew Janes, Alex Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Isobel McLaren, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Megan Sapkota, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Joshua Smith, Harriet Taylor, Lilia Teasdale, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Lola Walker & Finlay Whittard

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country Race 1 - Thursday, 28th September 2017

Thirty-five children from Years 4, 5 and 6 and three members of staff gathered at the Vineyards in Tewkesbury to compete in one of our biggest annual events as the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Cross Country season started once more. After a thorough warm up, the boys headed to the start line to begin the first race of the afternoon. And what a race it was! It was fast, competitive and exciting to watch. Our first runner home, Silas Fox, battled all the way to the line to finish in a very impressive 3rd place, followed closely by Callum Trust in 7th, Owen Burford in 11th, Luke Sherbourne in 14th and Oscar Guthrie in 15th to secure five boys finishing in the top 15 for the first time ever. What a brilliant start to the season. We also had fantastic performances from Charlie Hancox who came 26th, Aaron Lyon, who finished 42nd, and Maxwell Scott, who placed in 48th position. But it wasn't just about the top 50. The entire team ran their hearts out and put in gutsy performances across the mile-long course. Success was shared all round and there was much to be celebrated by the end of their race. The boys were exceptional and they have began the season superbly! 1 race down, 4 to go! In the girls' race there was even more success. Ava Baker was our first runner home finishing in 6th place, followed closely by Bea Prosser in 8th position, Charlotte Peirce, who stormed through with a fantastic finish in 15th place and Harriet Taylor, who finished in 17th. Further top 50 finishes were claimed by Molly Clarke (29), Isobel McLaren (30), Megan Sapkota (32), Leah Trust (34), Lilia Teasdale (45) and Eleanor Dyball (46). It was also brilliant to see so many of our Year 4 Running Club members joining the team this year: Rhys, Hattie, Leah, Isobel, Finlay, Daniyal, Byran, Joshua, Lola, Tianna, Owen and Oakley all competed with great pride and determination in their first-ever races for Tirlebrook. The course is definitely a challenge and to see so many of our children from KS2 'having a go' and showing so much perseverance and effort is just exhilarating. We are so proud of you all and we cannot wait to see you all again next week for our second race of the season. Well done Tirlebrook, you really are a fantastic team!

Squad: Hattie Akerman, Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Tianna Booth, Owen Burford, Oliver Butler, Rose Carey-Owen, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Byran Cotton, Eleanor Dyball, Silas Fox, Joshua Glass, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Oakley Hiorns, Matthew Janes, Daniyal Khan, Alex Lucking, Aaron Lyon, Isobel McLaren, Charlotte Peirce, Bea Prosser, Megan Sapkota, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Joshua Smith, Harriet Taylor, Lilia Teasdale, Rhys Thomas, Callum Trust, Leah Trust, Lola Walker, Samuel Whatmore & Finlay Whittard


World Marathon Challenge - World 5000m Challenge 2017 - Wednesday, 27th September 2017

The whole of KS2 came together on National Fitness Day to compete in the World 5000m Challenge, part of the international World Marathon Challenge, our first inter-house competition of the year, in which each house team was required to complete 25 laps of our 200m track as quickly as possible. Each team was aiming to be the first house to finish, but also to record the fastest time possible, as the results are subsequently entered onto an international database to enable us to compare our performances with primary-aged children from across the rest of the world. Our house teams warmed themselves up, led by our brand new Year 6 Sports Leaders, before lining up to begin their race. One by one, each competitor completed their 200m leg of the twenty-five lap relay, before passing the baton onto their next house runner. Throughout the event, it was difficult to tell who was in the lead, with so many runners zooming past on the track. Ultimately, Wenlock House were the clear winners in the Year 5 and Year 6 race, whilst Montague House crossed the finishing line first in the Year 3 and Year 4 race. Every single house group ran with determination, enthusiasm and great excitement, and they were a great support to each of their runners. At the end of this thrilling event, the times from both the Year 3 and Year 4 race and the Year 5 and Year 6 race were combined to give us our first inter-house competition winners of the year. With a combined time of 39 minutes and 27 seconds, Montague House were the overall winners. Congratulations to Montague! Wenlock were our runners-up this year with a time of 39 minutes and 42 seconds, with Hastings and Beauchamp finishing just behind. Well done everyone on a great afternoon of competitive running. 

National Fitness Day - Wednesday, 27th September 2017

National Fitness Day 2017 was celebrated in style at Tirlebrook. Throughout the day, the children and staff were involved in a variety of classroom-based activities, including an inspiring fitness maths session in Year 4. A whole school assembly enabled questions about how, why and when we should keep fit to be answered, and a discussion about how Tirlebrook encourages its school community to keep fit and to benefit from a fit and healthy lifestyle also took place. Before the end of the gathering, the children participated in ten minutes of physical activity at 10 a.m., a National Fitness Day initiative that schools celebrating the day were involved in. What better way to move and keep fit than to boogie on down and dance for a whole ten minutes! The children and staff jumped up onto their feet and thoroughly enjoyed performing, with the guidance of some Zumba Dance videos on the big screen, moving to the tunes 'I Like To Move It, Move It' and 'Cake By The Ocean', which definitely seemed to be the favourite. Even the children who have just started school in our Reception Class were showing us their dance moves! Not only did we keep fit during the morning, but we also completed our daily Tirlebrook 10. If that wasn't enough fitness for one day, our KS2 classes then competed in their first inter-house competition of the year, the World 5000m Primary School Challenge, in which every child participated in a team relay. Overall, after all of the dancing, running and sprinting, Tirlebrook received a certificate in recognition of our participation in National Fitness Day 2017. Well done Tirlebrook! 

Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Tri-Golf Festival - Wednesday, 20th September 2017

What a fantastic morning twenty Y6 children enjoyed as they headed off to Sherdon's Golf Centre near Tredington to participate in the Tewkesbury Primary Sports Network's Tri-Golf Festival. The children were split into teams but competed individually at a range of skills-driven stations set up on the golf range and putting green. Activities ensured that the skills of driving, chipping and putting were all developed throughout the course of the event. There were some special moments too: Charlie being the only player to hit the bullseye on the chipping target - on his very first go; Zuzannah and Luke both sinking thirty foot putts on the long putt activity - the only two children to manage this amazing feat all morning; Callum T and Jack hitting impressive 35-metre iron shots in the driving challenge; Oscar making a hole-in-one on one of the holes on the mini-course challenge ... and so on. Everyone had a brilliant time and when all the results were in, Tirlebrook finished in second position overall out of 8 teams. Congratulations to Callum T who was the highest individual points scorer and therefore received the award for 'Best Player' at the festival. The organisers were delighted with the attitude and behaviour of the Tirlebrook teams and hope that they have ignited a new-found golfing interest in the children who came along. Thanks to Mrs. Assheton, Mrs. Gosden and Mr. Lockley for supporting the team and well done to all the children. 

Team: Ava Baker, Jack Ballinger, Peyton Bunce, Elishia Caley, Harry Clarke, Molly Clarke, Alfie Cull, Eleanor Dyball, Joseph Ferrier, Oscar Guthrie, Charlie Hancox, Megan King-Smith, Elliott Parsons, Bea Prosser, Calum Pryce, Zuzannah Rudnicka, Maxwell Scott, Luke Sherbourne, Lilia Teasdale & Callum Trust

Y4 Gloucester Rugby Coaching - Monday, 18th September 2017

We were thrilled to welcome two Gloucester Rugby Community coaches into school to work with our Y4 class. The children thoroughly enjoyed playing rugby themed games and, whilst the sun was shining, they were given the opportunity to develop their dodging, passing and movement skills. After hearing all about our School Games values, the coaches introduced us to their own values (TREDS):

Teamwork – Respect – Enjoyment - Discipline - Sportsmanship

We are really looking forward to welcoming the coaches back again for the next five weeks. They have even invited us to attend a Tag Rugby festival, organised by themselves, against some of the other schools that they have also been coaching. Well done to all of the children for making such a positive start.
