I like learning a new language to help me understand different cultures. Lessons are always interesting and fun! We play lots of games to help us remember new words. Singing songs in French helps me remember words and sentences. We have the chance to speak, draw, act and sing - it's great!
Languages at Tirlebrook Primary School
Languages Gallery
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Languages Documentation & Information
Tirlebrook's Curriculum Design (3Is)
Curriculum Mapping - coming soon
At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed an exciting and personalised curriculum for the teaching of Modern Foreign Languages (MFL).
It is our intention to foster a love of languages learning in all children through a variety of engaging and exciting experiences and opportunities. We strive to develop children’s curiosity about languages and language learning, leading to enjoyment and achievement for all.
Our Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum progressively develops children’s skills in languages and allows for them to acquire, develop and embed essential communication skills. Through activities that promote speaking, listening, reading and writing, children’s knowledge of how language works is continually developed and built on, laying the foundations for further language learning. It is important to us that our children develop an understanding of the value of learning languages, knowing how important other languages will be in their future.
Through exposure to spoken and written language, stories, songs, poems, rhymes and drama, children at Tirlebrook Primary School will speak and write with increasing confidence and fluency, using and applying a growing bank of broad vocabulary to communicate appropriately and with resilience.
Learning a language at Tirlebrook Primary School is an opening to the rich diversity that different cultures to our own have to offer. It is important to us that cultures thriving within in our locality, in the UK and in different countries around the world are celebrated. Our Languages Curriculum will enable children to explore the cultural capital of another country through its unique language and traditions. Our intention is for children to be excited about the possibility of future study and work in other countries, having developed understanding, appreciation and respect for the world we live in.
It is our intention that our progressive Languages Curriculum, will enable the children at Tirlebrook Primary School will know more, remember more and understand more and be fully equipped for the next stage in their language learning.
At Tirlebrook Primary School, French is formally delivered to children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) through a series of weekly timetabled lessons, with additional opportunities found to ‘drip-feed’ and consolidate vocabulary and key phrases with meaning and purpose throughout each week. Exposure to French through lessons and incidental moments, including displays and signage around the school building, promote the building and development of skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Where possible (and where appropriate to do so), cross-curricular links are formed to further develop and reinforce French language and vocabulary, e.g. art & design, music, design & technology, outdoor learning, PSHE etc.
Qualified teachers use ‘La Jolie Rond’ as the primary resource to plan and deliver our languages curriculum. At Tirlebrook Primary School, we have used the content and structure of ‘La Jolie Rond’ to sequence learning themes/topics which give the children new content to learn while building on prior learning and allow for incorporating prior knowledge into new learning. For the benefit of all our children, to meet their needs and interests, this scheme of learning is adapted where necessary and supplemented with additional high-quality and appropriate resources selected by the teacher.
French lessons at Tirlebrook Primary School are enjoyable learning opportunities for all children; we ensure that lessons encourage active participation and engagement through the use of word games (oral and written), singing, rhymes, stories, drama and role play to support the learning of new vocabulary, key phrases and content. Practical activities such as these encourage memorable, meaningful and purposeful speaking, listening, reading and writing opportunities. Learning and lesson outcomes present themselves in a variety of forms – written work may be recorded in an exercise book that can be used by the children throughout their Key Stage 2 learning journey in order to refer to prior learning and activate current learning.
We believe it is important to fully immerse the children in the language and culture of our chosen modern foreign language (French). Teachers may choose to do this by facilitating opportunities for the children to: review video and audio clips that allow exposure to native speakers in a variety of contexts, celebrate cultural events and festivals and integrate practical cross-curricular activities into learning (i.e. cooking and eating).
Children in Key Stage 2 are informally assessed in their knowledge and understanding of French language and vocabulary through teacher observations of pupil responses, written work, games and quizzes (for example). Alongside this, children are informally assessed against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor progress among our children and ensure cohesion within and across our languages curriculum.
In the Early Years and at Key Stage 1, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are introduced to languages informally through songs, rhymes, spoken greetings and simple written signs; this enables children to engage with languages, find enjoyment in language learning at an early age and begin to understand the patterns within languages and how these differ from or are similar to English. Although not assessed, a framework for the progression of skills is provided for children in the Early Years and at Key Stage 1 to enable cohesion within and across our languages curriculum.
Our languages curriculum ensures that children at Tirlebrook Primary School develop an enjoyment for language learning due to the high-quality language teaching they receive. Children at our school talk enthusiastically and positively about their language learning and are eager to further their learning. As a result, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are confident in using, applying and experimenting with their language knowledge and skills (at an appropriate age-expected level).
Children at Tirlebrook Primary School communicate orally, in writing and through pictures, drama and role-play and show resilience in their learning of new content. It is our belief that the skills our children acquire and develop in order to be successful with languages are transferrable to other areas of the curriculum. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are independent in their language learning and use appropriate resources to support and develop their knowledge and understanding.
Our languages curriculum provides our children with an appreciation of the countries and their cultures who speak our target modern foreign language. Additionally, children at Tirlebrook Primary School understand the relevance, importance and impact of languages in the world around them and how this relates to everyday life.
Our approach to the delivery of our languages curriculum enables children to draw on prior knowledge and apply it to current learning. Over time, our children’s knowledge of vocabulary and key phrases increases and recall for application in a variety of contexts becomes increasingly fluent, allowing children at our school to engage in whole class, group and independent activities. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are assessed informally at the end of each unit to ensure that they achieve the age-related expectations in our chosen modern foreign language.
We believe that through our progressive languages curriculum, the children at Tirlebrook Primary School know more, remember more and understand more and are fully equipped for the next stage in their language learning.