History at Tirlebrook Primary School


Documentation & Information

National Curriculum - History (KS1 & KS2)

Tirlebrook's History Curriculum - coming soon

History Curriculum Mapping

Progression of Skills

Key Vocabulary - coming soon


At Tirlebrook Primary School, we have devised an exciting History curriculum that provides a window into the past.

It is our intention that children at Tirlebrook Primary School don’t just study history from the outside looking in, but that venture on a journey together to be transported through time and given the tools and experiences to be fully immersed in the incredibly rich and diverse nature of the history of our planet at a local, national and global scale.

It is our aim that through exposure to a wide range of engaging experiences and resources, our children will be inspired and develop a growing enjoyment, fascination and curiosity for the learning of history. We intend to promote enquiry into the past through the careful study and interpretation of people, places, societies, cultures, religions, traditions and environments, with the aim of nurturing independent thinking among our children. Our Tirlebrook history curriculum will allow our children to confidently express their views and participate in deep, thoughtful and considered discussion, leading to our children becoming articulate young historians.

Through our carefully considered approach to the teaching of history, it is our plan to ensure that, supported by specific knowledge, key facts and precise vocabulary, the children at Tirlebrook Primary School will develop a set of progressively advancing and transferrable skills required to be a resilient historian. As a result, our children will be challenged to make links between and across historical topics and themes, thus prompting them to learn from the past, reflect on their values and understand how it can influence the future.

We seek to stimulate the minds of all children at Tirlebrook Primary School through our history curriculum, with the intent of empowering them to thrive and achieve the best they can now and in their future learning.


At Tirlebrook Primary School, the History curriculum is delivered to the children through a sequence of lessons that supports the children’s progressive acquisition of knowledge and gradually deepens their understanding and appreciation for the period of history or aspect of history being studied.

Using the key objectives from the National Curriculum, qualified teachers plan sequences of history lessons that begin with the children experiencing history that they can see, touch and interact with and has immediate relevance. Once this has been achieved, the History curriculum is taught chronologically. Underpinning this approach to our curriculum design, teachers use a progressive framework of skills to ensure that children develop the skills of a historian alongside learning facts about the past.

The History curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School underpins the structure of our topic-based learning and, where possible, sequences of learning are linked with the wider curriculum, building meaningful cross-curricular links and encouraging the application of previous and current learning. Each year group has been allocated an aspect of British history to study to enable all children at Tirlebrook Primary School to clearly establish and articulate how life and society in Britain has changed over time and to support their understanding of how the past has influenced the present and the impact that it may have on the future. In Key Stage 2, children at Tirlebrook Primary School also study a civilisation from another country so they have the opportunity to compare and contrast a diverse range of communities, societies and cultures with their own.

Each unit of history delivered at Tirlebrook Primary School begins with a ‘hook’ to capture the attention of the children, engage them in the learning and build curiosity for the period or aspect of history being studied – this is then followed by a lesson to develop chronological understanding. Subsequent lessons and learning opportunities are carefully designed by teachers to inspire and encourage all children, in an inclusive environment, to develop and master key historical skills. At every stage of the learning sequence, a high level of importance is placed on the use and inclusion of primary resources and high-quality secondary resources. Supporting, supplementing and enriching our teacher-led History lessons, we provide first-hand experiences through trips and visits and inviting visitors into school to further provide children with the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in context. Recent experiences have included Year 6 children taking part in a World War II Evacuee Experience at Winchcombe Railway Station, a visit from The Past Presents to support Year 4 studies in Ancient Greece and a visit to All Things Wild for children in Year 1 to experience life as a palaeontologist.

The delivery of the History curriculum in our early years setting is supported by continuous provision, with activities carefully selected by the teacher to develop and contribute to ‘Understanding the World’ and ‘Past and Present’. Activities selected to explore historical areas of learning are also be supported by a framework of skills that starts the learning journey of our young historians at Tirlebrook Primary School.

Following a variety of teaching strategies and learning activities, outcomes will present themselves in a variety of ways as children are challenged to demonstrate their learning. It is important that children at Tirlebrook Primary School are able to express their historical knowledge and understanding and demonstrate their acquisition and/or development of skills in a variety of ways, including through written work, annotated pictures, drawings, cartoons, artwork (for example), some of which will be recorded in an exercise book or may be recorded digitally.

Children across the school are informally assessed in their knowledge and understanding of the period or aspect of History taught through teacher observations, pupil responses, written work, games, and quizzes (for example). Alongside this, children are informally assessed against a framework of skills that allows teachers to track and monitor the progress and achievement of each child against age-related expectations.


Coming soon...