Find out what children at Tirlebrook think about Maths!

Mathematics at Tirlebrook Primary School

Mathematics Gallery

Coming soon...

Curriculum Documentation & Information

National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Mathematics - Tirlebrook's Curriculum

Maths - Curriculum Mapping - coming soon

Maths - Key Vocabulary - coming soon

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Intent

At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a bespoke curriculum for the teaching of maths. By adopting a mastery approach, it is our vision that all children will develop the necessary skills to be articulate, confident and resilient mathematicians and that all of our pupils can achieve and excel in maths.

We are committed to providing every child with a maths curriculum that inspires and challenges and therefore ensures that every pupil leaves Tirlebrook Primary School fully equipped with the mathematical knowledge and skills ready to succeed in the future.  We strive to develop the natural curiosity of children and a love of maths and have resoundingly replaced the attitude of ‘I can’t do it’ with ‘I can’t do it ... yet!’

Here at Tirlebrook Primary School, we endeavour to progressively develop the pupils’ mathematical knowledge and understanding in every lesson and in every unit across every year group. Using skilful teaching and questioning, we aim to achieve this through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract models – not as a linear progression but using all three in combination to support our children’s learning. In turn, this allows children to justify their answers, explain their reasoning and convince others of their ideas.  Skilled, systematic teaching of terminology and language allows our pupils to articulate these ideas using precise mathematical vocabulary.

In every lesson, children confidently choose the apparatus and resources they feel they need in order to be successful, before discussing their ideas. Children are expected to be able to explain their answers at each point and develop the confidence to discuss, reason and disagree thus deepening their understanding through dialogue. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are able to develop their mathematical fluency, making links with other areas of maths, through teacher led, paired and then independent work, with immediate teacher led intervention for children who need to consolidate their learning; this allows all to access the learning and achieve together. It is our intention to stimulate the minds of all learners through the key principles of reasoning and problem solving and we ensure that these are embedded in every lesson.

Giving our children time to explore each key learning point, fills them with the confidence to be able to make mistakes and, essentially, learn from them. Through our maths curriculum, we aim to develop the necessary skills in children for them to be able to master maths by knowing more, remembering more and understanding more. When children leave Tirlebrook Primary School, they will do so fully equipped for the next stage of their learning, as confident and masterful mathematicians who are passionate about maths and the future possibilities it opens up for them.

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Implementation

At Tirlebrook Primary School, maths is delivered across the school through a sequence of daily timetabled lessons. Additional formal opportunities to develop, consolidate and extend mathematical knowledge and thinking are also timetabled to focus on fluency, rapid recall and bespoke support and intervention. Informal opportunities to build and apply mathematical knowledge and skills are planned into cross-curricular learning opportunities, including design and technology, geography and science (for example) and allow children to make links in a meaningful and purposeful way that demonstrates maths is a life skill.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, we have developed an inclusive mastery curriculum which accommodates and support the needs of all children. Qualified teachers use ‘Power Maths’ as the primary resource to plan and deliver our maths curriculum. To complement and enrich the sequences of learning, ‘Power Maths’ resources are adapted where appropriate to enrich the maths learning experience and supplemented with additional high-quality and appropriate resources selected by the teacher.

Maths lessons in Year 1 – Year 6 at Tirlebrook Primary School follow a five-part structure which promotes paired learning, questioning, discussion and independent application. Reasoning and problem solving underpin each stage of every maths lesson, with all children expected to articulate their thoughts and ideas using a wide range of mathematical vocabulary, both verbally and in written explanations. A ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to learning supports the delivery, teaching and learning of the Tirlebrook Primary maths curriculum.  

‘Discover’ - children are exposed to a mathematical problem based on a real-life scenario and linked with the lesson’s learning objective that inspires, captivates and develops curiosity. Children work with a learning partner to explore the problem, draw on prior knowledge to assist them with selecting strategies to solve the problem, explain, reason and justify their answers and ideas. Mathematical dialogue and articulacy with peers and staff is a key feature at this stage of the learning as skilled teaching staff assess the understanding of every child, use expert questioning and model using concrete, pictorial and abstract resources. At this point in the learning while children explore, there are no wrong answers and children are praised for their efforts as well as their achievements. If solved, children are encouraged to explore the problem in a different way by changing their approach or by being challenged by a member of the class teaching team.

‘Let’s Learn Together’ - teachers follow a sequence of steps to skilfully unpick the problem presented and use a variety of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources to teach the methods and strategies necessary for the children to work towards achieving the lesson objective. An additional example or examples may be used by the teacher to further consolidate the mathematical concept.

‘Think Together’ - children work with a learning partner to develop, consolidate and show mastery towards their understanding of the lesson objective through carefully selected questions which rely on fluency and varied fluency and assorted representations. Class teaching staff use their expertise to observe and assess children in the class and intervene to provide support and extension. At this point in the lesson, children either continue to show their mastery of the learning objective through the next stage of learning or are selected to work with the teacher for direct and immediate teacher-led intervention.

‘Independent Practice’ - children work independently to demonstrate their security of the lesson objective and progress to demonstrate their mastery of the lesson objective through carefully selected tasks that promote fluency, varied fluency and application with the opportunity to reason and problem solve. Where available, class teaching staff continue to observe and assess independent work and use this time to live mark work, address misconceptions and support the correction of mistakes. Where children are identified as not being secure with the lesson objective, they will join the teacher-led intervention group for additional teaching of the lesson objective. Children work at a pace appropriate to them while completing a minimum number of challenges to demonstrate their security and mastery of the lesson objective.

‘Reasoning & Problem Solving’ - all children are exposed to an element of reasoning and problem solving at the end of each lesson, giving all children the opportunity to expand their learning by applying their knowledge and skills to solve, reason and articulate their answers using mathematical language and vocabulary. All children participate in this stage of the lesson with children having the opportunity to share their reasoning, explanations and justifications with the whole class, ensuring that all are exposed to deeper thinking in this truly inclusive model.

Teaching and the delivery of maths in our early years setting follows a similar structure however the primary resource used to support the planning and sequence of learning is ‘White Rose Maths’. Further learning opportunities are planned into the classroom environment through continuous provision activities and aspects of maths are taught through ‘in the moment’ teaching opportunities.

Children in Year 1 – Year 6 are formally assessed at appropriate times throughout the academic year using NFER standardised testing. Alongside these assessments, children complete short ‘end of unit’ assessments; the results of these assessments inform future teaching and support bespoke intervention work for children where areas for development are identified. In the early years setting, children are initially assessed using the ‘Reception Baseline Assessment Framework’; they are then continually assessed throughout the academic year with a final assessment being completed at the end of the academic year against the ‘Early Learning Goals’.

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Impact

Our inclusive and bespoke mathematics curriculum ensures that all children at Tirlebrook Primary School develop a core set of fundamental life-skills for this universal subject that are built on day-by-day, week-on-week and year-on-year for maximum progress. High-quality and skilled precision teaching, as well as a range of mathematical experiences ensures that children develop a passion and enjoyment for mathematics learning both in school and at home. As a result, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are confident in the knowledge that making mistakes and learning from them is a key part of their mathematical journey and subsequently they are confident, independent, resilient and articulate in using, applying and mastering age-expected mathematics skills.

Children at Tirlebrook Primary School talk positively and enthusiastically about Mathematics.  From the youngest children in the school to the oldest, all enjoy the daily challenges and learning presented to them in their mathematics learning and feel a sense of pride and achievement when a new skill has been understood, secured and mastered. Children frequently express their mathematical thinking and understanding using accurate, subject specific Mathematical language and vocabulary. The skills our children acquire and develop throughout their mathematical learning journey, particularly through reasoning and problem solving, are transferrable to many other areas of the curriculum and children are encouraged to make and draw links between prior knowledge in support of acquiring new knowledge. With access to a selection of carefully selected resources, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are independent mathematicians who take ownership of their own learning and act as learning mentors for others.

Mathematics is a living subject and through our real-life delivery of problems to stimulate learning and challenge learners, children understand that mathematics and the skills they are learning are required in many aspects of daily life. The diverse range of scenarios, settings and characters used in the teaching of mathematics means that all children relate to them, invest in them and see themselves mirrored in them as they progress through our school. Children develop an appreciation and understanding for mathematics being a subject that is studied world-wide by citizens of different cultures and ethnicities thus consolidating the concept that mathematics is a subject and language universally acknowledged.

Our approach to the delivery of the mathematics curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School enables children to draw on prior knowledge, apply it to current learning and make progress. Over time, our children’s knowledge of vocabulary and the fundamental skills that underpin mathematics increases. Through mathematical fluency and targeted intervention sessions (informed by ongoing formative assessments), children at Tirlebrook Primary School are supported to ease the cognitive load applied to them ensuring that all children flourish and engage in whole class, paired and independent activities at an age-expected level. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are formally assessed in their mathematical ability at the end of each academic term to ensure that they achieve age-related expectations and have made at least the expected amount of progress required for their age.

We believe that through our progressive mathematics curriculum, the children at Tirlebrook Primary School know more, remember more and understand more and are fully equipped for the next stage in their mathematical journey.

Find out what children at Tirlebrook think about Maths!

Mathematics at Tirlebrook Primary School

Mathematics Gallery

Coming soon...

Curriculum Documentation & Information

National Curriculum (KS1 & KS2)

Mathematics - Tirlebrook's Curriculum

Maths - Curriculum Mapping - coming soon

Maths - Key Vocabulary - coming soon

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Intent

At Tirlebrook Primary School we have designed a bespoke curriculum for the teaching of maths. By adopting a mastery approach, it is our vision that all children will develop the necessary skills to be articulate, confident and resilient mathematicians and that all of our pupils can achieve and excel in maths.

We are committed to providing every child with a maths curriculum that inspires and challenges and therefore ensures that every pupil leaves Tirlebrook Primary School fully equipped with the mathematical knowledge and skills ready to succeed in the future.  We strive to develop the natural curiosity of children and a love of maths and have resoundingly replaced the attitude of ‘I can’t do it’ with ‘I can’t do it ... yet!’

Here at Tirlebrook Primary School, we endeavour to progressively develop the pupils’ mathematical knowledge and understanding in every lesson and in every unit across every year group. Using skilful teaching and questioning, we aim to achieve this through the use of concrete, pictorial and abstract models – not as a linear progression but using all three in combination to support our children’s learning. In turn, this allows children to justify their answers, explain their reasoning and convince others of their ideas.  Skilled, systematic teaching of terminology and language allows our pupils to articulate these ideas using precise mathematical vocabulary.

In every lesson, children confidently choose the apparatus and resources they feel they need in order to be successful, before discussing their ideas. Children are expected to be able to explain their answers at each point and develop the confidence to discuss, reason and disagree thus deepening their understanding through dialogue. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are able to develop their mathematical fluency, making links with other areas of maths, through teacher led, paired and then independent work, with immediate teacher led intervention for children who need to consolidate their learning; this allows all to access the learning and achieve together. It is our intention to stimulate the minds of all learners through the key principles of reasoning and problem solving and we ensure that these are embedded in every lesson.

Giving our children time to explore each key learning point, fills them with the confidence to be able to make mistakes and, essentially, learn from them. Through our maths curriculum, we aim to develop the necessary skills in children for them to be able to master maths by knowing more, remembering more and understanding more. When children leave Tirlebrook Primary School, they will do so fully equipped for the next stage of their learning, as confident and masterful mathematicians who are passionate about maths and the future possibilities it opens up for them.

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Implementation

At Tirlebrook Primary School, maths is delivered across the school through a sequence of daily timetabled lessons. Additional formal opportunities to develop, consolidate and extend mathematical knowledge and thinking are also timetabled to focus on fluency, rapid recall and bespoke support and intervention. Informal opportunities to build and apply mathematical knowledge and skills are planned into cross-curricular learning opportunities, including design and technology, geography and science (for example) and allow children to make links in a meaningful and purposeful way that demonstrates maths is a life skill.

At Tirlebrook Primary School, we have developed an inclusive mastery curriculum which accommodates and support the needs of all children. Qualified teachers use ‘Power Maths’ as the primary resource to plan and deliver our maths curriculum. To complement and enrich the sequences of learning, ‘Power Maths’ resources are adapted where appropriate to enrich the maths learning experience and supplemented with additional high-quality and appropriate resources selected by the teacher.

Maths lessons in Year 1 – Year 6 at Tirlebrook Primary School follow a five-part structure which promotes paired learning, questioning, discussion and independent application. Reasoning and problem solving underpin each stage of every maths lesson, with all children expected to articulate their thoughts and ideas using a wide range of mathematical vocabulary, both verbally and in written explanations. A ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to learning supports the delivery, teaching and learning of the Tirlebrook Primary maths curriculum.  

‘Discover’ - children are exposed to a mathematical problem based on a real-life scenario and linked with the lesson’s learning objective that inspires, captivates and develops curiosity. Children work with a learning partner to explore the problem, draw on prior knowledge to assist them with selecting strategies to solve the problem, explain, reason and justify their answers and ideas. Mathematical dialogue and articulacy with peers and staff is a key feature at this stage of the learning as skilled teaching staff assess the understanding of every child, use expert questioning and model using concrete, pictorial and abstract resources. At this point in the learning while children explore, there are no wrong answers and children are praised for their efforts as well as their achievements. If solved, children are encouraged to explore the problem in a different way by changing their approach or by being challenged by a member of the class teaching team.

‘Let’s Learn Together’ - teachers follow a sequence of steps to skilfully unpick the problem presented and use a variety of concrete, pictorial and abstract resources to teach the methods and strategies necessary for the children to work towards achieving the lesson objective. An additional example or examples may be used by the teacher to further consolidate the mathematical concept.

‘Think Together’ - children work with a learning partner to develop, consolidate and show mastery towards their understanding of the lesson objective through carefully selected questions which rely on fluency and varied fluency and assorted representations. Class teaching staff use their expertise to observe and assess children in the class and intervene to provide support and extension. At this point in the lesson, children either continue to show their mastery of the learning objective through the next stage of learning or are selected to work with the teacher for direct and immediate teacher-led intervention.

‘Independent Practice’ - children work independently to demonstrate their security of the lesson objective and progress to demonstrate their mastery of the lesson objective through carefully selected tasks that promote fluency, varied fluency and application with the opportunity to reason and problem solve. Where available, class teaching staff continue to observe and assess independent work and use this time to live mark work, address misconceptions and support the correction of mistakes. Where children are identified as not being secure with the lesson objective, they will join the teacher-led intervention group for additional teaching of the lesson objective. Children work at a pace appropriate to them while completing a minimum number of challenges to demonstrate their security and mastery of the lesson objective.

‘Reasoning & Problem Solving’ - all children are exposed to an element of reasoning and problem solving at the end of each lesson, giving all children the opportunity to expand their learning by applying their knowledge and skills to solve, reason and articulate their answers using mathematical language and vocabulary. All children participate in this stage of the lesson with children having the opportunity to share their reasoning, explanations and justifications with the whole class, ensuring that all are exposed to deeper thinking in this truly inclusive model.

Teaching and the delivery of maths in our early years setting follows a similar structure however the primary resource used to support the planning and sequence of learning is ‘White Rose Maths’. Further learning opportunities are planned into the classroom environment through continuous provision activities and aspects of maths are taught through ‘in the moment’ teaching opportunities.

Children in Year 1 – Year 6 are formally assessed at appropriate times throughout the academic year using NFER standardised testing. Alongside these assessments, children complete short ‘end of unit’ assessments; the results of these assessments inform future teaching and support bespoke intervention work for children where areas for development are identified. In the early years setting, children are initially assessed using the ‘Reception Baseline Assessment Framework’; they are then continually assessed throughout the academic year with a final assessment being completed at the end of the academic year against the ‘Early Learning Goals’.

Tirlebrook Mathematics Curriculum Impact

Our inclusive and bespoke mathematics curriculum ensures that all children at Tirlebrook Primary School develop a core set of fundamental life-skills for this universal subject that are built on day-by-day, week-on-week and year-on-year for maximum progress. High-quality and skilled precision teaching, as well as a range of mathematical experiences ensures that children develop a passion and enjoyment for mathematics learning both in school and at home. As a result, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are confident in the knowledge that making mistakes and learning from them is a key part of their mathematical journey and subsequently they are confident, independent, resilient and articulate in using, applying and mastering age-expected mathematics skills.

Children at Tirlebrook Primary School talk positively and enthusiastically about Mathematics.  From the youngest children in the school to the oldest, all enjoy the daily challenges and learning presented to them in their mathematics learning and feel a sense of pride and achievement when a new skill has been understood, secured and mastered. Children frequently express their mathematical thinking and understanding using accurate, subject specific Mathematical language and vocabulary. The skills our children acquire and develop throughout their mathematical learning journey, particularly through reasoning and problem solving, are transferrable to many other areas of the curriculum and children are encouraged to make and draw links between prior knowledge in support of acquiring new knowledge. With access to a selection of carefully selected resources, children at Tirlebrook Primary School are independent mathematicians who take ownership of their own learning and act as learning mentors for others.

Mathematics is a living subject and through our real-life delivery of problems to stimulate learning and challenge learners, children understand that mathematics and the skills they are learning are required in many aspects of daily life. The diverse range of scenarios, settings and characters used in the teaching of mathematics means that all children relate to them, invest in them and see themselves mirrored in them as they progress through our school. Children develop an appreciation and understanding for mathematics being a subject that is studied world-wide by citizens of different cultures and ethnicities thus consolidating the concept that mathematics is a subject and language universally acknowledged.

Our approach to the delivery of the mathematics curriculum at Tirlebrook Primary School enables children to draw on prior knowledge, apply it to current learning and make progress. Over time, our children’s knowledge of vocabulary and the fundamental skills that underpin mathematics increases. Through mathematical fluency and targeted intervention sessions (informed by ongoing formative assessments), children at Tirlebrook Primary School are supported to ease the cognitive load applied to them ensuring that all children flourish and engage in whole class, paired and independent activities at an age-expected level. Children at Tirlebrook Primary School are formally assessed in their mathematical ability at the end of each academic term to ensure that they achieve age-related expectations and have made at least the expected amount of progress required for their age.

We believe that through our progressive mathematics curriculum, the children at Tirlebrook Primary School know more, remember more and understand more and are fully equipped for the next stage in their mathematical journey.